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Teach me how to mod.


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Sorry Nexus does not support console modding. It breaks the respective Sony and MS EULA and opens them up to being sued.


More info can be found here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/

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If your talking about using a USB to Mod your Xbox 360 console, then yes I can help. But, like the above post, I dont support modding on consoles entirely.


Sure, singleplayer mods are fun on console, but if you want to mod you multiplayer then i'm out. Theres a VIP room in hell for the people who mod/tamper with multiplayer servers.

Besides, even if you wanted to mod your multiplayer servers, you need to "JTAG" your xbox, which you probably haven't and will cost a lot of money.

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