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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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This is pointless but...



Thanks for your article. Nobody is blind, color blind or daltonist. I don't wear glasses and I don't intend too. That comment about orange and white wasn't mine, but I thought that original poster has a point. If someone doesn't get what is stated below, let's skip this topic about orange entirely:


contrasted colors= black and white, green and red, yellow and purple, blue and orange etc.. Contrasted colors can be easily separated one from another (meaning: you can read easily)


Not contrasted colors* white and orange, yellow and orange, yellow and white etc. These colors need to be separated one from another with greater effort (meaning: white letters are probably more difficult to read on orange background than black)


No more orange please!!!!


@ LordFrostcraig

Your comment about PES is out of context. Let me catch you up with the speed. We have spoken (several members) about the logo and colors on the new nexus. All people agreed that both are poorly done. We agreed that logo should be a picture having something medieval and that colors should be paired better (from some reason everyone noticed that orange). THAN I gave PES as an example of logo and colors. I didn't say it's perfect, but it's better than the new nexus.


You said that you don't like PES design. You can't like it or dislike it in vacuum. You don't like it compared to what (or what do you like more, should we say)? It's better than the new nexus, no doubt about it. I can provide more links of some obscure sites where people did better job with design than the new nexus...And that's what pisses me off. I want to compare everything to nexus, not the other way around.

Edited by goranga
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@ LordFrostcraig

Your comment about PES is out of context. Let me catch you up with the speed. We have spoken (several members) about the logo and colors on the new nexus. All people agreed that both are poorly done. We agreed that logo should be a picture having something medieval and that colors should be paired better (from some reason everyone noticed that orange). THAN I gave PES as an example of logo and colors. I didn't say it's perfect, but it's better than the new nexus.


You said that you don't like PES design. You can't like it or dislike it in vacuum. You don't like it compared to what (or what do you like more, should we say)? It's better than the new nexus, no doubt about it. I can provide more links of some obscure sites where people did better job with design than the new nexus...And that's what pisses me off. I want to compare everything to nexus, not the other way around.


Let me clarify on what I meant. I wasn't very clear was I...


I agree on that the logo is not well made. The PES logo is good, yes, but the color scheme seems very boring. The thing I'm trying to get at is that the new Nexus is the design I like more, except for the fixed width part. Other than that, I think it's really well done. Compared to the new Nexus design, I dislike the PES design, compared to the current Nexus design, I dislike the PES design. The design has no really say, attractive, parts about it besides the logo and emblem, but they used the font Skyrim uses, and official artwork for theirs.


To summarize, the PES design doesn't look as good as either of the Nexus designs in my eyes. It has very little color in it, and feels too toned down.

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A question regarding the upcoming site makeover, and forgive me if this has been addressed. One thing I really really like about the current design is that it takes full advantage of wide-screen monitors (and standard width too...I use both). Sadly, the link provided to show off the upcoming design comes out, for me at least, as standard width on my wide-screen monitor, surrounded by lots of dead space on both sides. Will this be rectified before final implementation?


Thanks in advance!

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We almost all agree on one thing - the old nexus is the best in any sense of that word. The only it's downside is that it can't support large number of members. I think that's the main motivation for this change.


As it is clearly stated, this thread serves only to "prepare" people for what's coming. That's very considerate. I believe that I speak in the name of almost every member when I say - we were all shocked.


I'm not sure whether our feedback will influence anything. I don't know if anyone is willing to redesign the new nexus. Therefore, this discussion might be pointless.


Let's just tone this discussion down. Let's allow that a few guys say how they are thrilled about this change and a few other guys how they hate the change. After that, we can lock this thread, throw the key away and apply that "bloggy" version of nexus.

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One way or another our nexus creators must have the right idea in mind because of our current setup. I have faith that anyone who has made this site what it is (knowing how much I love it) must have a good idea of how to expand it or keep it's stability.
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I wouldn't say that I was shocked. I did notice the blog posts regarding the redesign. I didn't really look at them carefully, but I was aware of them.


LordFrostcraig: That's not a very high standard. I, like others have said, can't stand Planet Elderscrolls. I've never cared much for it's layout and it's search engine is terrible. TESNexus and related sites have been my preference for a very long time, as my Joined date should indicate. Part of that has been the site's layout and feel.


The new design looks like it could be random block #1,394,849. It lacks the character the possesses. One of the things the current sites do now that the new one utterly fails at is that they tell you where you are almost instantly, without having to read anything. I load up New Vegas Nexus (where I spend most of my time lately) and I instantly see a Ranger Veteran, the Pip-boy mascot, an Eyebot, etc and I know that this site is about Fallout New Vegas. If I log onto TESNexus I seem similar images related to The Elder Scrolls.


What does the new site have? A crappy logo that really doesn't tell me anything about the site or the subject.

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As I've said, there are going to be both good and bad points to the new Nexus. I'm sure that the coding updates will help to improve functionality on the site; and hopefully Dark0ne will take some of the astetic complaints to heart. I'd rather like to hear from Dark0ne on the astetical issues that many of us have with the new version of the Nexus and if there is a specific reason behind the decisions that were made.
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Well, after reading the through the thread and checking out the new design, I've come to a few conclusions.


- The orange is too bright.

- The new logo (which I'm assuming is just a placeholder) & button design makes the site feel more like a torrent tracker than a modding community.

- I like the inclusion of the Contest & Wiki tabs, they're pretty cool and most members don't take notice of them.

- Please, don't use the Car :: Computer analogy.

- The fixed with is way too low. The majority of us are PC gamers with over-sized monitors. It doesn't have to be dynamic, just considerably wider. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8791719/meh.png

- The tabs are unaligned in opera.

- Not sure that we really need a re-design. I'd like to see a dedicated morrowind section and a better organized category setup before anything aesthetic.

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I do not know how it all works, but I say, the best thing to do would be, if possible (I'm quite ignorant when it comes to website coding, and all that stuff, so I apologize) would be to keep the overall design of this website.... make it look less like a gaming website, such as IGN, or Gamespot, and make it look more like what we currently have.. I have no idea if such is possible, but this is my suggestion, regardless of the decisions you make, this is still the best modding website ^^
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