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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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@ xxXEvandarXxx


1. Actually, it's harder to navigate because everything is hidden with drop-down menus. I prefer visible links that you can press directly. I can't find home button...It looks like someone hid it on purpose.


2. Are you sure that you are talking about the new site?


I can't accept these arguments.


@ Natterforme


1. As someone said, top 100 preview doesn't work. I would give you half of point for this, but it doesn't work. Even if it works, it's not the whole point.


2. As someone said, these colors can hurt your eyes if you look at them too long. They are health hazard.


I can't accept these either. Anyone else?

Edited by goranga
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I don't get the images either and I'm not running a blocker on Firefox 5. As for the colors, well at least the background isn't white like it was a few days ago. Still not fond of orange but at least it looks more like a gaming site now.


ETA: I do love the drop down menus, it seems easier to navigate.

Edited by Tweetybird
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Many sites have removed the home button as they tend to use the logo instead as it is usually bigger and directs to the home page as well. Edited by Pronam
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AH my eyes! It burns! Too many bright colours!


Seriously though, it's very flashy and bright. I think it crosses the cheesy line and certainly doesn't look like the layout of a site with 200 million users.


Colours need to be toned down to something less in your face (maybe a nice duck-egg blue).


Fonts need to be re-thought as the current ones don't work in bold, the letters merge too much and it makes it painful to read.


On the upside I like the layout (I think the hot files bar on the main page needs a title to explain what it is). The drop down menus are a nice idea as I currently find it a bit of a chore to find stuff in the long orange list down the side of the page.


All in all, the fonts and colours don't need to be so eye grabbing. The site is officially famous and will continue to be used by millions, you don't need to give off with the shiny, flashy, gimicky stuff. A layout re-do is a good idea and could make the site a lot more "noob friendly".


Just my two cents worth


Edit: oh and I really like the preview idea but at the moment it isn't working for me either.

Edited by kibblesticks
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Many sites have removed the home button as they tend to use the logo instead as it is usually bigger and directs to the home page as well.


I don't visit many sites. Thanks for info.

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You cannot see preview images where that posted image says 'previews'. Another case of bad design. What that page is showing is the category list for 'Armour'. The 'Preview' link is actually a hypertext link that brings up a window with the 'Full Description' of the mod. Very confusing, to say the least.

I don't know if you mean that preview images are not on the right side of the short description, or that there are no images at all, but there are preview images:





@ xxXEvandarXxx


1. Actually, it's harder to navigate because everything is hidden with drop-down menus. I prefer visible links that you can press directly. I can't find home button...It looks like someone hid it on purpose.


2. Are you sure that you are talking about the new site?


I can't accept these arguments.

Opinions differ, can't please everyone and so on I guess. I dig it. I didn't know the colors can actually hurt your eyes. That's not cool if they do, but they don't seem to strain my eyes.

Edited by xxXEvandarXxx
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The following additional points (form my last post) has surfaced;


1)I've notices the home page only show half of the preview image http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/whatiff.jpg/


2)Adverts sometimes are infront of the dropdowns http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/spaminfrontofdropdown.jpg/


3)Images don't load... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/imagesdontload.jpg/



just sayin'...

Edited by Phyire
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Will it be possible to switch between the old design and the new one. Because i really do not like that new one. :(


Your answer is below...


... It's not going to be an "either/or" scenario where you can choose which design you want to use, it's going to be a straight switch to the new design. The old design is going to the gutter where it belongs.
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