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Hi there! This looks great... Is it alright for you all if a Khajiit joins in your adventures?

Mind you however, I've never RP before and English is not my first language. Regarding the first issue, I've read the rules. About the second, I don't think spelling would be a problem, but my writings may not be as polished as I've been reading in your thread so far!:blush:


Some noobish questions: Do you keep in contact via chat/PM to organize the turns/posts and story content, or is this more a 'find a gap in the story that may fit you and jump in'?

And about the Inn itself... about where in Tamriel is it located? Just being curious.

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I have to say, Keanu's latest bit was written perfectly. So, that means I have to give him kudos. ;D Great work!


It wasn't that good though, trust me, lol. There's plenty of room for improvement! :sweat:


Thank you though Kayla, you sure know how to make a guy curl up inside, lol. :blush:

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You all are all doing great. I will post sometime today. Was a bit too scatterbrained yesterday!



I say don't be in a rush, let it cook!


Also did you know that one of my all time favorite authors, Jack London, published his novel, The Call of the Wild in the The Saturday Evening Post in weekly installments?

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Hi there! This looks great... Is it alright for you all if a Khajiit joins in your adventures?

Mind you however, I've never RP before and English is not my first language. Regarding the first issue, I've read the rules. About the second, I don't think spelling would be a problem, but my writings may not be as polished as I've been reading in your thread so far!:blush:


Some noobish questions: Do you keep in contact via chat/PM to organize the turns/posts and story content, or is this more a 'find a gap in the story that may fit you and jump in'?

And about the Inn itself... about where in Tamriel is it located? Just being curious.


Some of us will keep in contact with eachother to ensure we dont hijack eachothers ideas, not sure about the whereabouts of the tavern, however a great way to introduce your character to the RP is to have them walk through the doors of the Inn, grab a nice ale and relax by the fire :)

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Name: Chris

Race: Imperial

Birthsign: the lover (don't laugh at him)

Class: crusader

Looks: He is not too muscular, quite thin and has blonde hair, green eyes and a nose that some people might consider big.


This young imperial man went through a lot in his yet short existence. He lost his parents in the battle for kvatch and fleed the city. Even though he's a joy to talk to and always nice to those that are friendly to him, the thought of vengeance left his inner self empty and bitter. He always makes sure not to get to close and attached to people (works out for him because he's never in the same place for a long time). He can handle a sword and he's quite skilled in the arts of destruction and restoration magic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not being on sooner (school computers decided to block the Nexus just a few days ago :wallbash: ) Anyway, here's my character:


Name: Kalin "Kale" Orus


Race: Elan (Expanded Psionics D&D)


Age: 50 (70 if you count how long he's been around)


Height: 6'0"


Class: Soulknife/Pyrokineticist (a wielder of psychic blades & fire)


Deity: Lathandar


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Appearance: Kalin is tall with a deceptively slim build (he's quite strong in reality). He is very dextrous and quick, and moves as graceful as a panther.


Kalin has smooth, shoulder-length white hair, often held in a ponytail. His eyes are vibrant violet in color, which becomes stormy when he is angry. He has a pale complexion, and a plain yet handsome face. He has numerous scars on his chest, dealt by a demon that killed his family (he tries to hide them when he can).


Clothes: Kale's clothes are little more expensive than average, but are, in general, not "flashy." He wears a green silk shirt and brown vest, with a grey trenchcoat. He wears brown leather leggins and well-made boots. Kalin has a signet ring with his family's symbol, the only thing he has left from them.


Armor: Kalin wears a chainshirt made of mithral. It has enchantments that provide some protection from blows, and allows Kale to summon his armor completely donned. Also, it has a mild illusion spell on it, disguising his armor to look like his clothes (how he laughs when someone tries to gut him, only to watch their blade glance off).


Equipment: Kalin carries two adamantine sickles on his person that have some magic in them, but these are more for show (so people don't know about his true weapons). In true combat, Kalin uses his mindblades, two weapons summoned completely from his thoughts. Often many foes believed him to be unarmed, but are shocked when his blades appear from no where. These blades are powerful enough that they allow Kalin to fight demons, even the more powerful ones, and they possess an incredibly keen edge (they've been known to sunder lesser weapons).


Skills: As a soulknife, Kalin is able to summon mindblades, throw them, and bind destructive psychic energy in them, which is released when the blades strike.


As a "pyro," he is able to summon a whip of fire, shoot bolts of fire, cause his weapons, his hands, even his body, to burn with searing flames, and is remarkably resilient to fire. A more rare ability of his (which he tries to avoid using) is the power to raise the body temperature of someone to the boiling point, causing a very painful death (hence his reluctance of its use).


Kalin is an accomplished weaponsmith, and is a master of his field.


He is also very adept at moving silently and hiding, knowing the merits of stealth.


He is skilled in a discipline called autohypnosis, which allows him to memorize non-magical writing and symbols, ignore the worst effects of poison, and even resist dying.


Kalin is also skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand, utilizing his dexterity.


As an elan, Kalin doesn't need much sleep, and doesn't need to eat or drink if he spends a moment to concentrate. Since he is no longer human, most spells that effect the mind have no effect on him.


Personality: Though he's capricious, Kalin has a generally pleasant personality, and enjoys talikng and laughing with others ( though he comes off as a little strange). When around women, he behaves as a gentleman, getting annoyed at others who lack proper respect. His sense of humor can be morbid at times, making dark jokes and puns sometimes( even in combat). He likes to be quiet sometimes, though, and gets irritated by interruptions of his thoughts. Kalin is hard to anger, but when he is, he tends to blow up (somtimes literally).


History: Kalin grew up in a rich human family on the Sword Coast, near the trade roads of Neverwinter. When he was twenty years old, Kalin had a fine future to look forward to, a good life, and was soon to be married to his childhood sweetheart. But then the demons came...


One night, when everyone was celebrating his engagement, demons attacked his home. They killed and burned everything in their path. Kalin tried to fight back, but he was terribly wounded, and could only watch as his beloved was torn apart. The following morning, a traveler passed by and saw the carnage. The stranger saw Kalin's deadly wounds, and so changed him into an elan, a psychic being, to save his life.


Kalin (Lord Kalin now, since his family was noble) learned to control his new powers, and later went on to kill the wizard who summoned the demons. With his loved ones avenged, Kalin wandered aimlessly, fighting for good like a paladin whenever he could, save in his own way.


On his latest quest, Kalin had discovered a Red Wizard trying to activate an ancient demon portal that would allow the foul outsiders to overrun Faerun. Kalin was dealt several wounds from the wizard's guards, but he managed to sabotage the portal. As it exploded, the magical energies carried him to Tamriel, dying and lost in the wilds.


Finally finished, sorry for the delays. :sweat:


Edit: Thanks for pointing that out, Auri :wub: . That would have been embarrassing!

Edited by GrueMaster
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Blast it! I forgot two important things about Kalin!


Skills: Kalin's metabolism is faster than a normal being's, so he heals twice as fast, even without rest.


The Wandering Years of Kalin Orus:

Kalin didn't really wander aimlessly. He fought... a lot, and has amassed a huge fortune (kept in a Bag of Holding, though he donates a lot to churches). Kalin is a veteran of at least two wars. He has fought the undead alongside Kelemvor priests, and any time he had heard of demons, he hunted them down and sent them back to the Abyss. At one point during his travels, Kalin felt a calling by Lathandar. Kalin felt that he should do as Lathandar wanted, but he didn't feel worthy enough of the Morning Lord's gifts. However, he decided that he should still do his lord's will, but with his own abilities. Lathandar accepted this, so Kalin served as his agent for 20 years. One day, Kalin received a vision that a possessed Thayan wizard was going to activate a gate to the Abyss, hence how he ended up at his last quest.


There! A little bit better, I think...hopefully. So, what do you think?

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