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Yeah, I've caught up with the story, nice role-playing everyone! I'm thinking of having Kalin's god finally link back up with him and reward him (hint: Rhaine will know what a gift from a god feels like :wink: )
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heya guy's i found a picture on the internet of how i picture Selene too look exactly it is perfect



*shudders* I hate vampires

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heya guy's here is Selene



hope you like her


She's beautiful! :)


So I was right, I had imagined her as a blonde. :P

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heya guy's here is Selene





hope you like her


that is a nice picture. Wish i had one of my character :P

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Sorry guy's that me and Brutii got a little carried away but, his character has left for skyrim after a lengthy battle with Selene. I would also like to apologize if i have been making Selene too powerful, although i have made her so from the beginning with her abilities, it is my recent post's which make her look too powerful and i am sorry if that upset anyone.

I just wanted in my fight with Aardorn to emphasize that Selene is a powerful dark Sorceress and Vampire ancient.



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