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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Reona stood, recovering from the shivers that racked her body during the quick and violent fight, trying to catch her breath. It seemed as if her entire body was coursing with pure fear. She clutched her chest lightly and stared back up at the group with wide eyes, telling her body to ignore the signals that told it to flee.


Arva's despaired expression intensified as he glared at the people that surrounded them, It's become clear that you are the weakest here, Demon. Once again, I wish that I hadn't perished. I feel the need to protect you from things like this.


Don't, Reona replied, regaining her composure, I will get stronger, and be able to hold my own eventually, physically and mentally.


Arva only grunted in response, looking worried.


She straightened up and smiled warmly, "As long as we don't fight one another like that again, I'm fine with anything we do. It caught me by surprise, to say the least."

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"yes about that my dear i am truly sorry" she looked at reona and said "dont worry no more fight's as arva said before i am hell in battle, please come and sit with us i wont bite... umm ignore that last comment" "i am sorry i do get a little vicious in combat, that settled is everyone ok with my being here?" Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"I'd say that the more people join us, the better," Reona said, her icy eyes focused on a distant strategical thought, already calculating how to use her mental abilities if she were ever in danger.


Arva smiled a little, As serious as ever, I see. I welcome all who would like to join us, as I share my Demon's opinion on the situation.

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Rhaine began to smile. Never in her life had she met a vampire like Selene. All of the bloodsuckers she had dealt with on Toril were the "kill, feed, and ask questions later" type. Her training taught her that vampires were creatures of pure evil, and yet it was obvious that Selene was not. This world of Nirn was filled with surprises...


She uncurled her gauntleted fingers and studied the ring the vampiress had slipped into her hand. It was a delicate silver band, crested with what appeared to be a family coat-of-arms. Rhaine wondered if it was a symbol of Selene's clan. She tucked it into a side pouch on her belt and glanced to her friends. Reona appeared to be quite uncomfortable, and the priestess suspected that she was feeling unnerved at their recent show of power.


Without a word, she sidled behind the Bosmer, placing a hand upon the elf's shoulder and squeezing gently. She had no idea why she felt so motherly towards Reona, but she detected a strange and distinct need to keep her safe. Yet, at the same time, Rhaine knew she had to let the Bosmer grow into her own.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Reona smiled up at Rhaine reassuringly, "I'm fine now, just had a bit of a shock." And I plan to use my abilities to my advantage. I've already formulated a new form of mental attack, in which I render the enemy incapable of movement or thought by sending an ear-shattering screech into their minds, distracting them long enough for myself or one of you to take them out. I got the idea from the meanings of my name, siren and banshee, to be exact.


She laughed at Selene's comment and thanked her for the compliment. Arva chimed in, Aye. She is indeed full of feminine charms, is she not?

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"You'll end up with more scars than me!" Kalin laughed out loud. He was in good mood now, and felt quite jovial. He calmed himself for a moment and said to the young Bosmer: "Reona, so you don't become all scarred and ugly as Selene implies, I'm going to lend something of mine until I make your armor." With that, he muttered a few words power, and the mythral gauntlets he wore came into view.


Grinning at everyone's surprise, he took them off and gave them to Reona. "These are very light and strong, and should help deflect swords and such, considering your combat style." The soulknife felt some anxiety leave the young elf's face and smiled again, glad to help reassure her. "Hope you'll like 'em.

Edited by GrueMaster
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"You'll end up with more scars than me!" Kalin laughed out loud. He was in good mood now, and felt quite jovial. He calmed himself for a moment and said to the young Bosmer: "Reona, so you don't become all scarred and ugly as Selene implies, I'm going to lend something of mine until I make your armor." With that, he muttered a few words power, and the mythral gauntlets he wore came into view.


Grinning at everyone's surprise, he took them off and gave them to Reona. "These are very light and strong, and should help deflect swords and such, considering your combat style." The soulknife felt some anxiety leave the young elf's face and smiled again, glad to help reassure her. "Hope you'll like 'em.


Ellundil slammed down the rest of the alcohol, he wasn't as drunk as he would have wanted to be, but he made due with what toxins he had-then mounted his steed.


"For the love, will we ever leave this damn inn!?" He shouted aloud, hoping the other members would hear him.

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Rhaine laughed aloud, "Seems dear Ellundil is eager for action but is in poor capacity to do so." She glanced over the empty beer bottles the Altmer left in his wake and wondered if the effects of the alcohol would wear off in due time. She certainly hoped so.


"Well, Kalin and I were able to find out the source of our attacks yesterday...they're a group called the 'Black Troll Boys' - mercenaries hired to kill us by some mysterious contractors. They're holed up in a cavern to the southeast, called Redrock Cave. I don't know the size of their forces, but they seem fairly competent and have been in business for a while. Kalin was able to capture one of their gang, and he mentioned that the contractors 'smelled rotten.' That screams of necromancy, and I have a feeling they may be connected to our foes up north. If the contractors wanted everyone at this inn dead, including Michael and possibly Selene, they may have ties to this Hollow-Fang as well."


She nodded to Selene, "Redrock was where we were headed before you got here. Hopefully, we can find some incriminating evidence in those caverns. If not, it'll be a good service to the locals to clear these robbers out, regardless."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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