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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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"won't be long now, I have spent the minutes fruitfully, good this in is where it is, so close to the grounds" He said, quickly returning with his items. Stepping in through the door, regardless of whether he was saw meant nothing, he quickly sat at a table, continuing to practice his pipe, while slowly mashing the ingredients with his other hand. "Tis good to be safe" He said" This potion should stop me becoming on one those... things" He continued to do what he needed
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"come out now little ranger i know you are there, nothing to be afraid of apart from all of us" and if you mean us no harm none shall befall you" she spoke up and said "NOW why are you here?"


Aardorn continued to sit in the corner, silent, smoking his pipe, ignoring her entirely. He stood and took a pint of beer from the bar stand, before tosing a coin onto the counter and walking back to the seat, drinking it, he began to sing


"There is an inn, a merry old inn

beneath an old grey hill,

And there they brew a beer so brown

That the Man in the Moon himself came down

One night to drink his fill.


The ostler has a tipsy cat

that plays a five-stringed fiddle;

And up and down he runs his bow,

Now squeaking high, now purring low,

Now sawing in the middle.


The landlord keeps a little dog

that is mighty fond of jokes;

When there's good cheer among the guest,

He cocks an ear at all the jests

And laughs until he chokes.


They also keep a hornéd cow

as proud as any queen;

But music turns her head like ale,

And makes her wave her tufted tail

and dance upon the green.


And O! the rows of silver dishes

and the store of silver spoons!

For Sunday there's a special pair,

And these they polish up with care

on Saturday afternoons.


The Man in the Moon was drinking deep,

and the cat began to wail;

A dish and a spoon on the table danced,

The cow in the garden madly pranced,

and the little dog chased his tail.


The Man in the Moon took another mug,

and then rolled beneath his chair;

And there he dozed and dreamed of ale,

Till in the sky the stars were pale,

and dawn was in the air.


Then the ostler said to his tipsy cat:

'The white horses of the Moon,

They neigh and champ their silver bits;

But their master's been and drowned his wits,

and the Sun'll be rising soon!'


So the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle,

a jig that would wake the dead:

He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,

While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:

'It's after three!' he said.


They rolled the Man slowly up the hill

and bundled him into the Moon,

While his horses galloped up in rear,

And the cow came capering like a deer,

and a dish ran up with the spoon.


Now quicker the fiddle went deedle-dum-diddle;

the dog began to roar,

The cow and the horses stood on their heads;

The guests all bounded from their beds

and danced upon the floor.


With a ping and a pong the fiddle-strings broke!

the cow jumped over the Moon,

And the little dog laughed to see such fun,

And the Saturday dish went off at a run

with the silver Sunday spoon.


The round Moon rolled behind the hill

as the Sun raised up her head.

She hardly believed her firey eyes;

For though it was day, to her surprise

they all went back to bed!"

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Reona smiled a little, as she could feel the light of his energy, or aura, as some called it, from the beginning. She adjusted the gauntlets Kalin had let her use and followed the intricate little patterns on the backs of them with her eyes, focusing on the aura of the man, unsure of his intentions. She still needed practice with that, she guessed, and kept her mind expanded. She then closed her eyes and took in everything she'd heard so far, feeling the sudden surge of confidence she got when she was excited by the power of her companions.


Listening to the song, Reona smirked and joked with a nudge at Rhaine's shoulder, "Now if that fiddle plays a tune that wakes the dead, we need to find and remove it from the cat's possession, and Rhaine's dilemma will have been solved, eh?"


I think that line means that it'll wake up the sleeping guests, Reona, Arva added so that everyone could hear him, scratching his head, having taken what she'd said quite literally.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Selene just stared in disbelief unsure if what she was hearing was true she just said "is this guy for real he must have several screws loose to do something like that" she then said loudly "please keep the noise down never mind the cat on a fiddle YOU sound like a cat being strangled" she just shook her head and removed the dart from her lipstick tube and tested it's weight.
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Rhaine shook her head in minor amusement. She was curious as to why the newcomer would make himself so at home in an inn where the window was busted out, the door was knocked from its hinges, and a motley crew of adventurers half sat-half stood discussing how to continue their respective hunts. Tired of waiting around and noticing that the morning was already transitioning to noon, she slipped from the inn, letting her companions sort out their needs.


Rhaine re-mounted Thanatos, who stood with his chocolate eyes partially closed in boredom. She noticed that the Drow was still standing there, and she wondered what was running through the stranger elf's mind.

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Michael's somewhat muffled voice could suddenly be heard from the kitchen:


"Well the cat can do what ever he wants as long as he stays off the couch! Now where the heck is that cloth?"


A loud crashing noise soon followed, along with some swearing in the nordic tounge. When it died down, Michaels head popped out from the door and he carefully said:


"Errr does anyone of you have a mana potion? or atleast some bandages, there was some trouble in here so its quite bloody."

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Reona smiled a little, as she could feel the light of his energy, or aura, as some called it, from the beginning. She adjusted the gauntlets Kalin had let her use and followed the intricate little patterns on the backs of them with her eyes, focusing on the aura of the man, unsure of his intentions. She still needed practice with that, she guessed, and kept her mind expanded. She then closed her eyes and took in everything she'd heard so far, feeling the sudden surge of confidence she got when she was excited by the power of her companions.


Listening to the song, Reona smirked and joked with a nudge at Rhaine's shoulder, "Now if that fiddle plays a tune that wakes the dead, we need to find and remove it from the cat's possession, and Rhaine's dilemma will have been solved, eh?"


I think that line means that it'll wake up the sleeping guests, Reona, Arva added so that everyone could hear him, scratching his head, having taken what she'd said quite literally.


Aardorn smiled,"I don't think aunt Margaret would be too happy, waking up as a corpse, actually, I don't think I could bear her again." he paused for a moment "Who is that women?" He said, pointing toward Sellen.


He turned toward Sellen "As a matter of fact, I have been told I have a rather nice voice"

Edited by Brutii
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Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.

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