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Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.



Michael catched the fabric so quick it was hard to see, looked at it and then nodded and said:


"Yeah this looks like it can stop a massive bleeding nicely, thank you friend!"


He then returned to the kitchen where some more sounds could be heard and then came out with pieces of bandage and dress cloth wrapped around various parts of his body and sighed: "If only my regeneration would work, but I havent fed in a while so I can't"

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Selene got up and walked over to the ranger she then stepped up onto his table and lay on it she stared at him and said "well im glad you stopped singing whoever told you that your voice is good is lying, sooo who might you be" she said seductively "im not telling you my name until i get yours" she lay there propped up on one arm looking into his eyes Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.


"Whats his injury?" Aardorn asked, lifting a bandage out his bag "I don't have many, but they are effective"


He looked at the woman "My name and business is my own" he said, walking over to the counter and picking yet another drink up, tossing another piece of gold on the counter

Edited by Brutii
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Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.


"Whats his injury?" Aardorn asked, lifting a bandage out his bag "I don't have many, but they are effective"


"Well...." Michael raised his hand and removed some cloth from it, showing that some fingers where either chopped up or completly missing "I slipped and got the entire knife box over me, no major injuries though!" He inspected his various wounds and sighed and shook his head

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Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.


"Whats his injury?" Aardorn asked, lifting a bandage out his bag "I don't have many, but they are effective"


"Well...." Michael raised his hand and removed some cloth from it, showing that some fingers where either chopped up or completly missing "I slipped and got the entire knife box over me, no major injuries though!" He inspected his various wounds and sighed and shook his head


Aardorn poured a mixture over the bandage and chucked it to him "It will ease the pain, and make it heal faster" He was confused as to how it was not a major injury

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"now now you WILL tell me your name" she said now standing on the table "NO ONE makes me look like a fool" she glared at him waiting for a reply "you dont ask me my name and expect me not to want your's first" she stood her ground not relaxing until she got an answer "TELL ME"


"Tis my own." He replied calmly,"you don't need my help to make you look like a fool" He lifted his tankard and drank some more.

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Michael looked at his now much better patched up hand and nodded at the kind stranger.


"Thank you good sir, would my mind helping me patch up the rest too?" and in a whispering joking tone he said "or you could just donate some blood. JUST KIDDING!" He laughed a little and then sat down. "Oh and your room will be on the house for this help"

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Michael looked at his now much better patched up hand and nodded at the kind stranger.


"Thank you good sir, would my mind helping me patch up the rest too?" and in a whispering joking tone he said "or you could just donate some blood. JUST KIDDING!" He laughed a little and then sat down. "Oh and your room will be on the house for this help"


"I thank you, but I shall pay" He said, looking at the door and windows "I don't know what happened, but you shall need some more money to fix that"


He looked into the kitchen, and seeing the mess, he went in and picked up the objects from the floor, placing them on the counter again "Now, would you mind giving me another drink? And cook me up a dinner" he said, putting a piece of Venison on the kitchen counter"I am in dire need of relaxation, seeing how I just spent 6 months in the wild, living off the berries I could find"

Edited by Brutii
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"Either you have death wish or you REALLY don't know what you are dealing with" her eyes blazed "never in all my life have i men one a foolish as you... but you are brave" her eyes glittered menacingly "if you will not tell me i shall rip it from your mind" with that a dark mist appeared around her hand, she cast a spell on the unsuspecting ranger tearing his name from his mind she then said "now if you put another finger out of line i will smear the wall with your entrails, understand... Aardorn? she then got down from the table and stood against the wall staring at him
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