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"No, you're not," Rhaine replied, taking Kalin by the forearm and hoisting him up, "Easy. You'll be a little weak and sore for a few days. Try not to overexert yourself."


She gently reached out and stroked one of his soft wings, examining the smooth transition from red to orange to gold, "I must tell you - you cannot fly. So do not attempt it. They are simply a reminder of your god's favor."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ellundil was unaware of the events that had happened behind him - and he probably wouldn't have cared anyways, for he had learned something on his ride, that he had control. For once, his powers brought him control, he was in control, and he knew that he had greater power now, but little did he know how it manifested inside of him, how it burned through his blood, how it clenched to his heart, he was indeed, Dragonborn.
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"No, you're not," Rhaine replied, taking Kalin by the forearm and hoisting him up, "Easy. You'll be a little weak and sore for a few days. Try not to overexert yourself."


She gently reached out and stroked one of his soft wings, examining the smooth transition from red to orange to gold, "I must tell you - you cannot fly. So do not attempt it. They are simply a reminder of your god's favor."


Kalin cursed softly as the priestess helped him up. Rolling his eyes, he remarked sarcactically to Selene's query, "Absolutely wonderful, considering I just instantaneously grew a set of wings a moment ago." More politely, he added, "Thank you, Rhaine." Without thinking, he gave her a slight peck on the cheek, then walked over and collapsed into a nearby chair, too weak to stand for the moment. "Sheesh!" he exclamated, "I've heard about 'earning your wings,' but I didn't think people meant it literally!" He fell silent, mulling over Amaunator's words, disturbed slightly by his god's message. Guard your friends, my son, for they shall have dire need of you...


Kalin thought over this for a moment, then filed the thoughts away for later. He didn't care at the moment; his wings were killing him. He glanced over at his armor and clothes, and gave an exasperated sigh as a bothersome realization arose. There were no holes for his wings! "Great," he muttered. He would have to fix that later. "I don't suppose anyone would mind getting me some wine? I'd appreciate it greatly."

Edited by GrueMaster
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"no but what i can do is make you some new clothes and armour or repair those to accommodate your wing's" she smiled at him with a caring expression "consider it a token of my friendship" "i am an expert seamstress and armourer anything you want i can make"

she waited for a reply from the exhausted kalin.


"Thanks. Don't worry about the armor. I can take care of that myself. Concerning my clothes, however, I would like some help that. I'm absolutely horrible with a needle." He gave a weak smile. "Can't be good at everything, you know?"

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"hehe ive took a mental note of your measurement's i just need to know what you want to wear... i dont think one of my dresses would suit you much" "i will make anything really just say the word."


"You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing.

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"hehe ive took a mental note of your measurement's i just need to know what you want to wear... i dont think one of my dresses would suit you much" "i will make anything really just say the word."


"You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing.


She smiled softly. 'Tis nothing, my friend. Do not worry yourself.


Rhaine absently put a hand to her amulet, and it glowed in response, as usual. The answering warmth was like a gentle hand upon her shoulder, and she closed her eyes momentarily.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"hehe ive took a mental note of your measurement's i just need to know what you want to wear... i dont think one of my dresses would suit you much" "i will make anything really just say the word."


"You can just patch up the clothes I have. No sense in using more materials than needed." Kalin stared at his wings for a moment, then noticed that a flush tinted Rhaine's cheeks. Puzzled, he sent to her telepathically, a slight flush rising to his face now: What? Did I say or do something? Sorry if it was embarrassing.


She smiled softly. 'Tis nothing, my friend. Do not worry yourself.


Rhaine absently put a hand to her amulet, and it glowed in response, as usual. The answering warmth was like a gentle hand upon her shoulder, and she closed her eyes momentarily.


The elan saw Rhaine touch her amulet and frowned for a second, knowing she did that when something was bothering her, but he didn't bring it up. Better to let it lie for now, he thought, and gave a lopsided grin and shrugged his shoulders. Then Kalin noticed that Ellundil wasn't there and the frown returned. "Where's Ellundil?" he asked, "I know he was impatient to leave, but he didn't go out on his own. did he?" The looks on his companions faces told all he needed to know. "That idiot! Well, come on! We can't just let him go alone!" With that, he rose from his chair and tried to march to the door, but he stumbled and barely caught himself on a chair. Wincing, he straightened back up and started to walk to the inn door, more slowly this time...

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The Doomguide shook her head, "I told you to take it easy!" Following Kalin outside, she put her foot in her stirrup once more and swung into Thanatos's saddle. She then offered a hand to Kalin, "Come on. You can ride with me."


Her thoughts flicked from friend to friend, Let us go, we waste precious daylight. Reona, are you alright?

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