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Selene froze the ranger in place with paralysis and said coldly "I am coming too the cave because i have business there too, in fact all of us do!!" she released the paralysis on the ranger and began to travel too redrock with him. she sent out a mental message to Reona and Michael i am off too redrock with the other's come if you wish Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Selene froze the ranger in place with paralysis and said coldly "I am coming too the cave because i have business there too, in fact all of us do!!" she released the paralysis on the ranger and began to travel too redrock with him. she sent out a mental message to Reona and Michael i am off too redrock with the other's come if you wish


Aardorn said "I need back my Items, but you shall stay OUT of said cave, I need to complete MY business first!"

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"Try telling the rest of the group that, no ranger you hold no authority over me, and you seem to forget exactly who i am, hmm i suppose you would not remember what the people of cyrodiil called me about 700 year's ago!, they lived in fear and my name was only spoken in whispers!" Selene hissed wickedly "now i am going to the cave and do not try too stop me!" "It will only lead to this hillside being covered in your entrails" and with that she began on her way to the cave again
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"Try telling the rest of the group that, no ranger you hold no authority over me, and you seem to forget exactly who i am, hmm i suppose you would not remember what the people of cyrodiil called me about 700 year's ago!, they lived in fear and my name was only spoken in whispers!" Selene hissed wickedly "now i am going to the cave and do not try too stop me!" "It will only lead to this hillside being covered in your entrails" and with that she began on her way to the cave again


"Well then you shall have to cover said hill in my entrails, for I care not how many people lived in fear of you, for I do not!" He said "I have little praise for my deeds, and am cast aside as a theif and villain, some even fear what I may do! Scoundral, I am, to one fat man who live's within a days march of foes who would freeze his heart! No, vampire, you are are clinging to the past, I do not fear you, and I shall have yet to find one who does, vampires are easily killed these days. I have kept worse foe's at bay!"

Edited by Brutii
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"Clinging too the past ahahaha!" "you wish little ranger" Selene's eyes glowed red and her hair turned black, a dark aura spun around her and she turned the sky black and the ground to ash, she said in a demonic voice "Mwahaha, i am not living in the past, it seems you are just underestimating me greatly, i can break you like the twig you are you pathetic whelp!" she then brought up bodies from the ground and said too them "try and kill the ranger let us see just how powerful he is!" she boomed, Selene then summoned a throne from the air and sat suspended up over the ranger watching him battle her undead horde Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Clinging too the past ahahaha!" "you wish little ranger" Selene's eyes glowed red and her hair turned black, a dark aura spun around her and she turned the sky black and the ground to ash, she said in a demonic voice "Mwahaha, i am not living in the past, it seems you are just underestimating me greatly, i can break you like the twig you are you pathetic whelp!" she then brought up bodies from the ground and said too them "try and kill the ranger let us see just how powerful he is!" she boomed, Selene then summoned a throne from the air and sat suspended up over the ranger watching him battle her undead horde


"Apparently I was right" He said "You are to cowardly to fight yourself, but, I digress you have underestimated me" He chucked a bottle of clear liquid into the air, it splashed onto the undead, some melted, some fell apart, and some turned to run away "You think me a fool? I have defeated many enemies, I indeed, I have fought horde's of undead before. Sadly little of that liquid remains, but enough does for now. The ingredients are rare, and it requires precise measurements or it would not work, as you evolve, so do we."

Edited by Brutii
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"AHAHAHA" "the undead were simply a test let us see how you fare against a demon!!" she waved her hand and a huge monster materialized, it's horrific face turned too the ranger and said "ME SMASH, YOU BREAK!" it brought it's huge claws down on top of the ranger...


" A demon?" He raised his bow, firing one of his arrows into it's eye, the arrow was poisoned, and designed to quickly paralyse it's pray. It was also designed to bend on entry, making it hard to pull out without causing more damage

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The demon roared, but the arrow's took no effect, it picked up Aardorn in it's huge grip, snapping his bow, it then threw him to the ground face first, readying it's foot to crush the ranger "BYE BYE" it said dumbly


Rolling out of the way of it's foot, once it brought it down he climbed it, once reaching it's head, he dived inside it's mouth and went inside it, slicing as he went, Aardorn working his way through the creatures vital organs, dicing them

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