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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Selene, realising her blood only burnt him used her remaining strength to run down the hill, tip Aardorn back in her arm's and bite deep into his neck, drinking his blood until she had enough to sustain her, she then injected her own poisoned blood into his vein's and said, "the clock is ticking little one, soon you will die if you do not find your little potion"
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Selene, realising her blood only burnt him used her remaining strength to run down the hill, tip Aardorn back in her arm's and bite deep into his neck, drinking his blood until she had enough to sustain her, she then injected her own poisoned blood into his vein's and said, "the clock is ticking little one, soon you will die if you do not find your little potion"


"So, what have you succeded in doing, you villainous louse? Killed me? Whether I am dead or not benefits you little." He said, but waited not for an answer, for that thing that was of great value was in that cave, but he needed to take it to the person he said he would before he died.

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"Well bye bye sweetie have fun, i saved your life twice and you did not even thank me, so enjoy life while you can, not long left now!" she then sat on the floor and watched him


He turned round, "Once" he said, "You saved me once." Before turning round and marching toward the cave, wondering what the world will be like without him, he imagined someone else would take his place, if not, then he wouldn't be around to stop it. He guessed the people would have to fend for themselves and stop relying on travelers

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"not long till you collapse and then it will be a long and painful death honey!" she shouted down after him she then said "you say i wont gain anything from this?, amusement sweety the enjoyment of watching you cripple and die" She then picked up the dagger he had aimed for her foot earlier and threw it into his leg "you missed but i did not"
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"not long till you collapse and then it will be a long and painful death honey!" she shouted down after him she then said "you say i wont gain anything from this?, amusement sweety the enjoyment of watching you cripple and die" She then picked up the dagger he had aimed for her foot earlier and threw it into his leg "you missed but i did not"


He turned "Number one: It's an arrow, not a dagger, Two: You won't see me, for I shall be long gone soon, and if you follow, then I shall take you to oblivion with me Number three: It's not painful a painful death Four: thanks, I almost forgot this."


He entered the cave, and snuck his way to his pouch, taking it. Before sneaking out and heading away into the day, to commit his last act of goodness before he passed

Edited by Brutii
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Half bashing down the door to West Weald Inn's basement, he fell down the stairs toward sinderion, " I brought the rare potion from morrowind. I was told you had already paid." Aardorn said, and sinderion nodded, before taking the bottle and thanking him, offering him a fortune in gold. "Nay, I need no gifts" Aardorn said as he stumbled back up the stairs, he chucked some septims onto the counter and crawled to his room, lying on the bed, ready to die. Edited by Brutii
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Selene burst down the door of the west weald inn, she pounced on the altmer and knocked him out, she retrieved the potion Aardorn had dropped off earlier befor running up the stair and smashing through Aardorn's door, and aproched him as he lay


Aardorn shot up drawing his blade, seeing the potion he shouted "What have you done to sinderion?" He pointed his blade toward her, ready to stab should she come a step closer

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