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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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"damn you" she chased after the ranger, quickly becoming on his heel's and almost an arm's width from him....


He spun round, spinning his sword, cutting across her chest, he round house kicked her in the face, making her flip in the air and fall onto her chest on the floor. He turned and ran before she could get up

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Selene got from the floor and in an instant transformed into a swirling mist she followed him until directly above him, she materialized and landed straight on top of him pinning him to the floor, her hair tumbling off her shoulders and brushing against Aardorns face.


Aardorn swung his blade, making yet another slash across her chest, forgeting that her blood was dangerous, and it burnt through his leather chest plate, he cried out in pain as he kicked her off once more and jumped to his feet. He followed up by slashing her across the legs, before putting his leg behind hers and then tripping her over. Aardorn raised his sword "Lets put a maggot hole in you!" He said, sticking his sword through her chest, and leaving her, sticking her to the ground. Aardorn turned and ran once more.

Edited by Brutii
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"AAAAAA" Selene screamed as she pulled the blade from her chest, she broke it in two, healed her wound's and began chase once more


Aardorn ran, he arrived at a river, he fell in, twisting his ankle, now unable to climb up the other side, but he continued to try regardless, but each time, the pain grew to much and he slid back down, eventually, he just lay there, the current washing him away.

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"no" Selene cried, she cast a powerful telekenesis spell to lift the ranger from the water, she lay him on the grass and sat next to him waiting for him to respond.


After she had lifted him up, she looked at him. It was not him, he had merely put his cloak over a log, the real Aardorn was gone

Edited by Brutii
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"Clever sod" she said "now to track him down" she picked up the scent of the cloak and began too follow it to it's owner...


Aardorn was now lacking in his cloak, which revealed his rather unkept appearance, his black hair was shaggy, a result of having neither combed, cut or washed it in a long time, the muddy river hadn't helped much either. The rest of his stern face was also see able, it also revealed his dark black eyes. Aardorn was now trudging along the road, and due to this appearance was judged a pauper and avoided by everyone.

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