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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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OOC: do not worry their last post was only 3 pages back im sure they will catch up, i mean it is not like we are gonna fill 20 pages right? :biggrin: okay we will slow a little give them chance to catch up :thumbsup:


Selene smiled at Aardorn's last comment, and said smugly "and i think the nobles would die from your simpleness, oh and yes my dress did cost a lot i thin it was... 100,000 gold pieces!" "Now would you two like to see the garden?, we can talk about the war at dinner"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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OOC: Maybe we should slow down a bit? It seems because of our active posting it's harder for some people to follow the story. :ohdear:


Nawen smiled and almost jumped from all the excitement. "I'd love to visit your garden and menagerie!" However this war really intrigued her and she wanted to hear more about it and help if she could. There's always someone who needs help. Especially in uneasy times like these.


"Garden?" Aardorn laughed "Selene probably owns a woodland! There are many things in this world you need to know, run off half cocked and we'll bring you back in a couple of hundred pieces! if you ever need anything ask one of us."

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"Right, follow me" She led them through the hall's of the huge palace until they reached the garden... it was like paradise, beautiful and serene, the only sound was the birds and the little water fall's, to a ranger this place must have been heaven...

OOC: sorry for not using a detailed description, your imagination will serve better here. :thumbsup:

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The drows eyes widened when she saw a beautiful garden. Without even looking at Selene and the other ranger she ran gracefully to the nearest flower and smelled it. She also started running around and looking at various plants, smelling the flowers and simply enjoying the beautiful scenery. "Wow! This place is beautiful. Sinn would love it here!"
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"Well i am glad you like it, but this is only the garden!, i have the menagerie and then, tomorrow i shall show you the glade" After leaving the ranger's to look around a bit, she led them to the menagerie, which was full of beautiful woodland creatures of all shapes and sizes, but in the corner a chained door stood with glowing daedric symbol's all over it...
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"Well i am glad you like it, but this is only the garden!, i have the menagerie and then, tomorrow i shall show you the glade" After leaving the ranger's to look around a bit, she led them to the menagerie, which was full of beautiful woodland creatures of all shapes and sizes, but in the corner a chained door stood with glowing daedric symbol's all over it...


Aardorn pointed to the door "whats that? And who's sinn?"

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Nawen was petting and talking to all the animals she could see and the animals were strangely friendly to Nawen even though they saw her for the first time. She noticed the door with some odd symbols she had never seen before. "Sinn? She's my animal companion. Every ranger in my world has one."
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Nawen was petting and talking to all the animals she could see and the animals were strangely friendly to Nawen even though they saw her for the first time. She noticed the door with some odd symbols she had never seen before. "Sinn? She's my animal companion. Every ranger in my world has one."


Aardorn nodded, before walking over to the door "Selene! This door has daedric writing on! Where does it lead?" He began translating the symbols

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