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"Greetings, i'm..." The boy was cut off mid speech by Kolran and Gwendolyn returning from the kitchen

"OK, Jourdan, Uupoin, help Aardorn with the supplies. Kelran, find Obisdun" Kolran said, and all of them ran to do their tasks "Sorry about that, they ain't seen anything like you before, their just curious."

"It's alright. I'm used to it." She looked around the house. "Excuse me. Could I get some water, please? I need to patch up a wound."


"Well, back garden" Gwendolyn said

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"Well, back garden" Gwendolyn said

"Thank you." The drow said and went outside to look for the well.


The 'back garden' turned out to be a couple of Acres of forest, walled off at the edges, only by wooded fences

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Once she found it, she quickly removed her shirt and started too clean the wound. It wasn't as deep as she thought it would. Maybe it looked like that because of the magical sword Selene used. Once the wound was clean, Nawen used one of her herbal healing creams that she made herself and to finish it, Nawen used some of the bandages that she had left from when she helped the people of the village that Selene destroyed.

The drow grabbed a clean shirt from her bag and put it on. She raised her head to look at the sky and sighed. They will be going back to Skyrim she still wants to help all those people but at the same time she wants to stay here and never see Selene again.

Nawen shook her head and went inside. "Is there something I could do to help?"

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Once she found it, she quickly removed her shirt and started too clean the wound. It wasn't as deep as she thought it would. Maybe it looked like that because of the magical sword Selene used. Once the wound was clean, Nawen used one of her herbal healing creams that she made herself and to finish it, Nawen used some of the bandages that she had left from when she helped the people of the village that Selene destroyed.

The drow grabbed a clean shirt from her bag and put it on. She raised her head to look at the sky and sighed. They will be going back to Skyrim she still wants to help all those people but at the same time she wants to stay here and never see Selene again.

Nawen shook her head and went inside. "Is there something I could do to help?"


"Oh, you found the well ok, you know, Kolran was insistent in walling it off, so the creatures were controlled, he used them to train with." Gwendolyn shook her head, "No, there isn't much"

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Selene stood on her balcony, looking in the direction of cyrodiil, she used her powers to see and hear everything the drow and the rangers were doing she then said to herself "Aww family bonding, how sweet!, although i find it sweeter when they all huddle together in fear as i am about to kill them, hehe!" she took out her mirror and rested it on the balcony, she applied her red lipstick and black eyeliner, she brushed her long hair and said "Perfect" she then posed in the mirror...






the pic is how she look's makeup and hair wise.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Oh, you found the well ok, you know, Kolran was insistent in walling it off, so the creatures were controlled, he used them to train with." Gwendolyn shook her head, "No, there isn't much"

Nawen only nodded to what the woman said. She had no idea what to say to that anyway. Nawen wanted to help in any way she could with packing or anything but when the woman said no, the drow lowered her head and started thinking. Maybe there is something but she simply doesn't want her help? They never seen anyone like her and maybe the woman thinks she has bad intentions and that Nawen wants to rob them or even worse?

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"Oh, you found the well ok, you know, Kolran was insistent in walling it off, so the creatures were controlled, he used them to train with." Gwendolyn shook her head, "No, there isn't much"

Nawen only nodded to what the woman said. She had no idea what to say to that anyway. Nawen wanted to help in any way she could with packing or anything but when the woman said no, the drow lowered her head and started thinking. Maybe there is something but she simply doesn't want her help? They never seen anyone like her and maybe the woman thinks she has bad intentions and that Nawen wants to rob them or even worse?


"Mum, I found Obisdun" Kelran said "He was in the garden killing wolves again."

"Obisdun, your father might need your help, go, you to Kelran" The two ran out the room

"Listen, touch my family, or our possesions, and your'll have me to reckon with! You just stay away from them! Hear me? I don't know who you are, or why your here, but you just keep away from them!"

Edited by Brutii
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"Mum, I found Obisdun" Kelran said "He was in the garden killing wolves again."

"Obisdun, your father might need your help, go, you to Kelran" The two ran out the room

"Listen, touch my family, or our possesions, and your'll have me to reckon with! You just stay away from them! Hear me? I don't know who you are, or why your here, but you just keep away from them!"

Nawen looked at the woman and frowned. She was used to such and even harsher words but they still hurt. She was so tired that people thought off her as thief or a murderer just because she's a drow or in this case just because they haven't seen anyone like her before. "I have no such intentions." The ranger said calmly. "I can see that my presence here is unwanted, so I will leave. Goodbye and thank you for the water." She then walked to the door and stepped outside.

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"Mum, I found Obisdun" Kelran said "He was in the garden killing wolves again."

"Obisdun, your father might need your help, go, you to Kelran" The two ran out the room

"Listen, touch my family, or our possesions, and your'll have me to reckon with! You just stay away from them! Hear me? I don't know who you are, or why your here, but you just keep away from them!"

Nawen looked at the woman and frowned. She was used to such and even harsher words but they still hurt. She was so tired that people thought off her as thief or a murderer just because she's a drow or in this case just because they haven't seen anyone like her before. "I have no such intentions." The ranger said calmly. "I can see that my presence here is unwanted, so I will leave. Goodbye and thank you for the water." She then walked to the door and stepped outside.


Gwendolyn smiled as she walked out, Kolran stepped in "What are you happy about?"

"That weird woman is going away now."

"And just where is she going? She has no Idea about this land!"


Kolran rolled his eyes and rushed after her "OI! Where do you think your going? You just going to run off? At least know where your going first!"

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