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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Then Jourdan his removed his cloak, a greeting, but the wrong situation, the mountain was not safe, Kolran hadn't been wearing one, and Aardorn kept his on, he rarely removed it.

"We were sure that Selene had fed you to Gra... gro... whatever his name was" Aardorn said

"Oh no." Nawen shook her head. "Everything was fine. She teleported us to Skyrim, she gave me equipment and food and stuff like that and allowed me to leave. I left some gold on her table that should cover everything she gave to me. I don't like to stay in debt."


Jourdan stepped forward, to finish the greeting he started at the house "Greetings, I am Jourdan, son of Kolran,"

"We established that jourdan." Kolran laughed "We shall be heading toward where ever lies the dragons."

Edited by Brutii
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Jourdan stepped forward, to finish the greeting he started at the house "Greetings, I am Jourdan, son of Kolran,"

"We established that jourdan." Kolran laughed "We shall be heading toward where ever lies the dragons."

"A pleasure to meet you Jourdan. I am Nawen." She smiled warmly at the young man. "You know where to find them? I've spent all night at the local inn and only heard the same story how some man killed three dragons and defended a village but judging from the looks of that man the only thing he killed were vegetables in his soup."

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Selene settled into her new palace, it was quite simply the most amazing place in skyrim, possibly the second most wonderful building apart from White-gold tower. Selene walked down it's black marble floor, which was embroided with Solid gold, the door's were also gold, and the furniture was, again made of gold, Selene's throne was huge and beautiful, it's black marble sides blended perfectly with it's gold detail. Selene said to herself "My my this place is perfect!, i wonder... where is the balcony?" she walked elegantly through the palace until she found her own personal balcony, it overlooked the whole of skyrim, and contained a large desk, a cofee table and grand chairs. Selene pulled up a chair and looked over skyrim, noticing a crystal ball on the ledge she put her hands on it and, she could see for miles! no longer would she have to drain herself of magicka. She looked on the group of ranger's and said "Hmm lovely reunion!" she wondered if they noticed her dark palace high on a mountain ledge...
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Jourdan stepped forward, to finish the greeting he started at the house "Greetings, I am Jourdan, son of Kolran,"

"We established that jourdan." Kolran laughed "We shall be heading toward where ever lies the dragons."

"A pleasure to meet you Jourdan. I am Nawen." She smiled warmly at the young man. "You know where to find them? I've spent all night at the local inn and only heard the same story how some man killed three dragons and defended a village but judging from the looks of that man the only thing he killed were vegetables in his soup."


"yea, dragons be in the air! Seriously, they attack towns more often that not."

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"yea, dragons be in the air! Seriously, they attack towns more often that not."

"Alright. When we should go to the nearest town or village and wait for the dragons to show up. Maybe we'll meet them on our way there." Nawen stopped talking and looked at the men for a moment. "If you don't mind me traveling with you, that is."

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"yea, dragons be in the air! Seriously, they attack towns more often that not."

"Alright. When we should go to the nearest town or village and wait for the dragons to show up. Maybe we'll meet them on our way there." Nawen stopped talking and looked at the men for a moment. "If you don't mind me traveling with you, that is."


"Why would we mind you traveling with us?" Jourdan asked

"I believe it be something your mother said" Kolran said

"Yea" Aardorn added "Disregarde it Jourdan, she is overprotective"

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"Why would we mind you traveling with us?" Jourdan asked

"I believe it be something your mother said" Kolran said

"Yea" Aardorn added

"It does not matter what your mother said." Nawen looked away from them for a moment. She wanted to keep it quiet and hoped that Jourdan won't ask about it. He might start to think about her the way his mother does. "So... are we going to start walking or not?" She smiled to them and folded her arms on her chest.

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"Why would we mind you traveling with us?" Jourdan asked

"I believe it be something your mother said" Kolran said

"Yea" Aardorn added

"It does not matter what your mother said." Nawen looked away from them for a moment. She wanted to keep it quiet and hoped that Jourdan won't ask about it. He might start to think about her the way his mother does. "So... are we going to start walking or not?" She smiled to them and folded her arms on her chest.


"Of course, come Jourdan, your father shall explain later" Aardorn said, and the group began a journey toward the nearest town

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Selene turned her gaze to the town the rangers were entering, in an alley she saw a man proposing to pretty young girl, so Selene recited her own poem:


Love is a word that is constantly heard,

Hate is a word that is not.

Love, I am told, is more precious than gold.

Love, I have read, is hot.

But Hate is the verb that to me is superb,

And Love but a drug on the mart.

Any kiddie in school can Love like a fool,

But Hating, my boy, is an Art.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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