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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Nawen followed the men as they traveled to the city. She looked back and noticed a palace standing on a mountain ledge. "I wonder how lives there." She muttered and glanced at the the men again.


"Another rich twit who can't get off his arse to do anything other than eat?" Aardorn suggested

"Probably right." Kolran said

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Selene turned her gaze to the town the rangers were entering, in an alley she saw a man proposing to pretty young girl, so Selene recited her own poem:


Love is a word that is constantly heard,

Hate is a word that is not.

Love, I am told, is more precious than gold.

Love, I have read, is hot.

But Hate is the verb that to me is superb,

And Love but a drug on the mart.

Any kiddie in school can Love like a fool,

But Hating, my boy, is an Art.


OOC: Ogden Nash by sir hans?

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Ellundil, with his new sense of clairvoyance, knew that his former part would soon be arriving near Redrock, so he equipped himself with his brand new gear. Ellundil still wore the cloak granted to him by Kelemvor, but now he had newly forged armor. During his time with the companions, he spent at least three days admiring the Skyforge, then the blacksmith finally told him to quote, "go for it" and indeed Ellundil did. For his newly brandished tunic, he made it out of a variety of materials. The chainmail portion under a thick plating of gold, was made of ebony. The plates on the outer portion were embroidered in a beautiful pattern of malachite, the armor however shaped across his torso like an 'X' only so he could sheath his newly forged sword made out of skyforge steel on his back. His bracers were made of ebony, and brushed backwards from his hands, and to these bracers he placed flawless sapphire, ruby, and diamond, to harness the elements of his power. Lastly, his boots were of dark elven craft (mainly to match his ebon-ic set of armor) and granted him swift speed and great balance. These also worked much like a lightning rod, and would divert dangerous energies down and out of Ellundil, should anything go wrong. Ellundil then went forth to the road ahead, and sat on his night-black celestial steed, waiting for the others.
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Suddenly, she spied it - the gaping maw of a cave, with three poplar trees growing in a triplet right next to the entrance. She pulled abruptly on the reins, and Thanatos slid to a halt, tossing his head and snorting. Rhaine sat extremely still, quickly scanning the area.


It appeared as thought the Black Troll Boys were accomplished robbers in addition to being hired mercenaries. Remnants of at least two merchant caravans were strewn everywhere. Two large covered wagons were broken down, a string of expensive clothing stretched on a line between them, spattered with mud and blood - no doubt the garb of the merchants themselves. The four cart horses were tethered nearby, and they had become nothing more than horribly emaciated nags. A wolfhound was chained to one of the wagons' broken wheels, his clouded eyes half closed in either pain or hunger. Next to him were chests, sacks, barrels, and crates that had all been pillaged and plundered.


In the center of this mess were the remnants of a bonfire. Charred wood and a thick pile of smoldering ash filled the air with a pungent aroma. Broken mead and beer bottles ringed the fire pit, along with greasy bones and bread crusts.


Satisfied that the mercenaries themselves were occupied elsewhere, Rhaine spurred her horse forward. Then, from the other side of the camp, another rider approached, and her hand flew to her sword hilt...


...until she realized it was Ellundil. And he had changed.

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Kalin grumbled as Rhaine's horse came to a stop. " Thank the gods!" he exclamated as he tried to get off the equestrian demon, only to fail, and ended up face-first on the dirt. "Ooh, that hurt." The elan picked himself up and became angry as he saw what was left of what looked like a merchant caravan. "I swear, when I find that bandit, I'm gonna roast him alive!" Kalin was about to speak to Rhaine when he heard another horse approaching and saw the priestess suddenly reached for her sword. Ignoring the burning sensations in his back, he formed his mindblades and dropped into an aggressive stance, a dangerous fire sparking in his eyes, ready to avenge the souls lost here. Then his eyes widen in shock when he saw who the other rider was. "Ellundil?!" the soulknife called out, astounded at the appearance of the elf. "What happened to you?!"
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Reona nodded in greeting and calmly stated, "Ellundil." She knew he was coming; although his mind did feel exponentially different than before, the cloak that was clasped around his neck was more than enough proof of his identity.


Welcome back, Arva said with a smile.


Reona then turned and walked up to the decaying horses, kneeling and whispering a short prayer for each of them before placing a hand on the dog's side and closing her eyes, preparing to do the same for him. To her surprise, the animal stirred under her touch, barely breathing, close to death. A single tear traced its way down her cheek, and she ran her hand down the length of the dog's back, able to feel every vertebrae in his spine, noticing several broken ribs. Its tail thumped against the ground weakly. Reona closed her eyes and whispered, "Slytha." Sleep. The dog fell into a deep slumber.


I know you've got a soft spot for dogs, but are you really going through with this? You're just a novice! Arva said, concerned for both her and the animal.


She said nothing in response and looked down at the dog, pressing her hands against its broken ribs and mumbling a line over and over, its ribs realigning and healing slightly, then making its muscles regain a little strength. She then sagged forward, exhausted once again.


Arva sighed and poured energy into her body, Honestly, I have no idea why you didn't think of having me help you in the first place after Kelemvor showed you it could be done. I'm a soul. Pure energy.


Able to move normally again, Reona unchained the dog and whispered, "Vakna." Awaken. The dog's stomach growled, and it stood up. It was weak, injured, and still hungry, but alive nonetheless. Feeling accomplished, Reona walked back to the group, her face red, and the dog followed, keeping its head lowered near the ground, its tail slightly waving back and forth.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Reona nodded in greeting and calmly stated, "Ellundil." She knew he was coming; although his mind did feel exponentially different than before, the cloak that was clasped around his neck was more than enough proof of his identity.


Welcome back, Arva said with a smile.


Reona then turned and walked up to the decaying horses, kneeling and whispering a short prayer for each of them before placing a hand on the dog's side and closing her eyes, preparing to do the same for him. To her surprise, the animal stirred under her touch, barely breathing, close to death. A single tear traced its way down her cheek, and she ran her hand down the length of the dog's back, able to feel every vertebrae in his spine, noticing several broken ribs. Its tail thumped against the ground weakly. Reona closed her eyes and whispered, "Slytha." Sleep. The dog fell into a deep slumber.


I know you've got a soft spot for dogs, but are you really going through with this? You're just a novice! Arva said, concerned for both her and the animal.


She said nothing in response and looked down at the dog, pressing her hands against its broken ribs and mumbling a line over and over, its ribs realigning and healing slightly, then making its muscles regain a little strength. She then sagged forward, exhausted once again.


Arva sighed and poured energy into her body, Honestly, I have no idea why you didn't think of having me help you in the first place after Kelemvor showed you it could be done. I'm a soul. Pure energy.


Able to move normally again, Reona unchained the dog and whispered, "Vakna." The dog's stomach growled, and it stood up. It was weak, injured, and still hungry, but alive nonetheless. Feeling accomplished, Reona walked back to the group, her face red, and the dog followed, keeping its head lowered near the ground, its tail slightly waving back and forth.



Elllundil approached, and indeed he had changed. His appearance was not all too indifferent - he was indeed taller and had a wider girth about him as well as a slightly new tone to his skin. A severe scar was lain on his left cheek. His outer, gruff appearance did not however reflect how he was inside, deep inside. He now acted more noble, more courageous, more... wise. He was indeed born anew, and it showed through his power and his speech.


He began; "Ahh, my friends, tis' good to see you after such long travels." he trailed off. "I never would have thought that I would be starving for the company of friends but in this -" he cut himself off. "Speaking of starving..." he stated.


Ellundil then knelt before Reona's newly attained "companion" and gave the beast a haunch of goat meat. Though he tried to make it discrete as possible, he healed most of the dog's remaining wounds - but it was still in no shape to be fighting.


Ellundil picked up his pace, "Ahh, where was I?? Oh blast it to hell. Who cares?!? It's great to see you all!"


Ellundil then plunged forward and invented a new form of friendly affection, a "hug-tackle" and that's exactly what he did to Rhaine, then followed to do the same with Kalin, even though he could tell that he would probably be very discontent with it. Lastly, he roughed up Reona's hair a little bit and gave her a smaller squeeze of a hug, then smiled happily.


Ellundil then grew a bit more grim, "We should probably be moving in the cave now."



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