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Using banned mods for screenshots


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Whenever I read those discussions, why does nobody point out the obvious? The rules are there for a reason, not just made up because somebody felt like doing so.


It's the first line of defence against potential law suits from sides the copyrights of which were infringed.

Ripped content and pirated material isn't taken down because some elite group wants so. It's taken down right away because ultimately the site owner is responsible for everything hosted, advertised or linked to on his site.


Imagine for a second what would happen, if a company such as Capcom suddenly decided to throw a fit at any ripped or pirated content of theirs (DMC-related mods anyone?) and take all legal steps to take it down everywhere throughout the internet and sue everybody involved? The Nexus and Robin would be in a world of trouble all of a sudden, would they not take care such content doesn't even show up around here in the first place! Unlikely to ever happen? Maybe. Impossible to ever happen? Dream on. Always look at the two sides of the medal before acting up about "harsh rules".


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Whenever I read those discussions, why does nobody point out the obvious? The rules are there for a reason, not just made up because somebody felt like doing so.


It's the first line of defence against potential law suits from sides the copyrights of which were infringed.

Ripped content and pirated material isn't taken down because some elite group wants so. It's taken down right away because ultimately the site owner is responsible for everything hosted, advertised or linked to on his site.


Imagine for a second what would happen, if a company such as Capcom suddenly decided to throw a fit at any ripped or pirated content of theirs (DMC-related mods anyone?) and take all legal steps to take it down everywhere throughout the internet and sue everybody involved? The Nexus and Robin would be in a world of trouble all of a sudden, would they not take care such content doesn't even show up around here in the first place! Unlikely to ever happen? Maybe. Impossible to ever happen? Dream on. Always look at the two sides of the medal before acting up about "harsh rules".


Just my 2 cents.


This. Exactly. Considering the nature of these sites, we have to be on as good of terms with the gaming industry as we can be.

Some people could see it as kissing boots, but the truth of it is, is that we want to be as agreeable with these companies as we can be. I mean, it's not just Robin or the staff that would lose out if they gave us trouble. Granted, Robin would lose out the most, but the whole gaming community that we have here on the nexus sites would lose out if one of the Corps decided to sue Robin and force him to shut the nexus down.

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Whenever I read those discussions, why does nobody point out the obvious? The rules are there for a reason, not just made up because somebody felt like doing so.


It's the first line of defence against potential law suits from sides the copyrights of which were infringed.

Ripped content and pirated material isn't taken down because some elite group wants so. It's taken down right away because ultimately the site owner is responsible for everything hosted, advertised or linked to on his site.


Imagine for a second what would happen, if a company such as Capcom suddenly decided to throw a fit at any ripped or pirated content of theirs (DMC-related mods anyone?) and take all legal steps to take it down everywhere throughout the internet and sue everybody involved? The Nexus and Robin would be in a world of trouble all of a sudden, would they not take care such content doesn't even show up around here in the first place! Unlikely to ever happen? Maybe. Impossible to ever happen? Dream on. Always look at the two sides of the medal before acting up about "harsh rules".


Just my 2 cents.


This. Exactly. Considering the nature of these sites, we have to be on as good of terms with the gaming industry as we can be.

Some people could see it as kissing boots, but the truth of it is, is that we want to be as agreeable with these companies as we can be. I mean, it's not just Robin or the staff that would lose out if they gave us trouble. Granted, Robin would lose out the most, but the whole gaming community that we have here on the nexus sites would lose out if one of the Corps decided to sue Robin and force him to shut the nexus down.


More than this. If people say "can you upload your mod to xxx or host it as ***", they get into the trouble of getting banned.


Sorry for the censorship. Because I would get into troubles if I hadn't covered up those words. Now you see my point, don't you? I hope so.

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Actually, I have NO idea what on earth you are talking about.


There are sites that are considered tabu on Nexus because they either do not respect intellectual property or have funny ideas about the freedom of expression (for example, they offer mods that include illegal sexual acts). The trouble is: you cannot list those site explicitly, saying that linking to these sites or even mentioning them is not allowed, because it would be inadvertent advertising (people might visit them out of mere curiosity).


(However, the problem could be resolved by using a server side regex filter that removes links to such websites without exposing them to site users. There is a good gold spam filter (BadBoy) for World of Warcraft that includes such a regex based recognition engine that is able to recognize banned URLs even if attempts are made to disguise them with padding characters or by breaking them up into several lines.)


As I keep saying over and over, we do have a filter that removes the bad link when it's posted in the forums. If the link isn't removed then it's not a bad link. All these rumors about "bad sites", and I'm pretty sure there's only one on that list. No, now there are two. :rolleyes: (Neither of them are related to Oblivion.) The problem is with the file side where the filters are currently disabled. That should be solved with the new site rollout. -myrmaad


This is what happens when you attempt to use them in the forums:

www.The Link is Not Allowed

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More than this. If people say "can you upload your mod to xxx or host it as ***", they get into the trouble of getting banned.


Sorry for the censorship. Because I would get into troubles if I hadn't covered up those words. Now you see my point, don't you? I hope so.


What I think RandomAustralianStranger is trying to get at, is something that Lon touched on earlier. On advertising the mods. By seeing images of them that are intentionally showing off these armors, weapons, items, whatever.... people end up asking the uploader, where they got the mod. Or ask the uploader of the image to host in on a fileshare site, or to seed it as a torrent, or send the files to them via email, etc. Essentially, they ask the image uploader to continue distributing material that is not theirs to distribute.


This is illegal here in the US, and the UK. Many of these ripped armors, weapons, etc are protected under copyright. Therefor it is illegal to use them without permission of the CR holder.

You cannot legally ask for materials which you know are illegally obtained. You cannot distribute materials which you know are illegally obtained.


By doing that here on Our sites, these people are getting US involved, as the medium in which these transactions are going on.

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@ LHammonds - I have the utmost respect for the Nexus staff, administrators, and moderators but that seemed to me like a pretty rude attitude for an administrator. I know that FlyingHigh10000000's views are pretty extreme but still an administrator should not meet ignorance with the attitude that was shown in your post. Now I am not saying you were being incredibly rude or insulting or anything like that but in my opinion saying comments like " Yep...that is exactly what you sound like. A filthy pirate with yet another justification story." and especially " You want freedom to own a gun (or whatever)? You'd better not try and steal mine in order to own one because you would be in for a rude awakening" (which where I come from is called a threat) are not the sort of things the administrators should be posting.


Just for the record, I have reported many pirates in my time on the nexus and I in no way endorse piracy.

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