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Did anyone manage to actually increase / fix their FPS?


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Hey, guys.

Unfortunately for me the game runs really slow, I tried many things to improve the FPS but none really worked.

The real problem I have is that I get about 5 - 10 fps inside interior while outside interiors i get around 25-35 fps depends (15 in cities),

While 25 fps is fine for me, the 5 - 10 fps in interior is unplayable, until I buy a new computer anyone know a way to fix this?


BTW here's my computer specs:


Intel® Core i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650


Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit


I actually meet the minimum requirement, but even when I set everything to low and use custom INIs to set it to even lower, I still lag.

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What resolution are you playing at?


My FPS is not that low, but between the last update and the last *driver* update I've noticed poorer performance in general.


PS I've seen it reported that even texture mods that are supposed to improve FPS can instead hurt it. It might be worth removing any "performance" mods and seeing what happens (or even reinstalling vanilla).

Edited by Merovign
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What resolution are you playing at?


My FPS is not that low, but between the last update and the last *driver* update I've noticed poorer performance in general.


PS I've seen it reported that even texture mods that are supposed to improve FPS can instead hurt it. It might be worth removing any "performance" mods and seeing what happens (or even reinstalling vanilla).


It's been the same for me since the start honestly

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Set (or disable) shadows and godrays as low as possible. Those are the biggest performance killers in the game. Shadow distance and shadow quality should be as low as physically possible to max out performance. Godrays can also be turned off completely I believe. Also make sure you GPU drivers are as updated as possible.


The reason you're struggling indoors is likely because of the shadows and lighting indoors. Any ini file settings you see related to shadows should be lowered. The game may look weird, but it should run better.

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I fixed mine. I bought a more powerful video card, new power supply and added another bank of memory. New games will probably be more resource hungry so I might as well get ready for them.



The Rabbit

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Reinstall and run vanilla without any mods, if it still runs poorly, turn down graphics settings, if it still runs poorly, maybe you need a new videocard.


Mods that claims to improve performance can actually hurt it, those texture optimization mods actually crashes my game. Results may vary. Avoid large mods or mods that changes alot of things in game.

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