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Where do you get your news?


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Colbert Report and the Daily Show. It's about as slant-free as you can get in America. And it's not even news. :rolleyes:


Dear God the nation is doomed.......




I'm with you on this one, A. Although I must admit that I do find both of the above somewhat amusing. In addition, I can say with impunity that I trust no news source out there. As a result I sort of get my news now on a catch as catch can basis. I no longer subscribe to any specific newspaper. Nor do I watch any commercial TV news and very little cable news. I only occasionally listen to the news on the radio or Internet. I am Liberal, as most of you know; but find the liberal press just as biased as the conservative press. So I try and make it a habit to listen to what they all say and than ignore 98% of it.



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