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"Vault Dweller, you are NOT the father!"


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So with CK up and running full steam ahead with waves of quest mods, expansion and new game-world spaces looming over the horizon I love doing new playthroughs with new characters and such but I think we can ALL agree that nobody wants to keep going through the main quest lines over and over. Which I why I humbly request a mod be made that allows you to play the game not as the baby searching protagonist but a completely unattached standalone character who has nothing to do with the main campaign. You are you'r own person free to pursue the side questing vanilla and modded alike as you please, and make your own story in the game. I'm sure anyone who played Skyrim modded will be familiar with a similar mod that does what I'm talking about called "You are Not The Dragonborn" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9048/?


So essentially I'm asking for this mod to remove or disable to mainquest line, and free me of my parental obligations. Thank you.



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