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Explain your avatar/sig


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Still should be in off topic but whatever.


Pic: I love the crow, the crow is awesome. The actor died the same way the crow did.


Sig: its (was) my WOW guild, but I'm too lazy to remove it.

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My avatar is just a picture I had in my reaction folder that was small enough to fit the small dimensions of the size and KB limit.


My signature is the result of witnessing a religious debate on 4chan. I made up the quote on the spot, it's essentially the logic of anyone who participates in those threads and I found it humorous so I use it as my signature.

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My avatar is Tom Waits - best songwriter ever, imo. Image is from his amazing video/ mini-movie "Big Time".


My sig is from "The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul" written by, obviously, Douglas Adam

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