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So... Ulysses. The man who was originally meant to carry the Platinum Chip. Upon seeing who's name was next on the list, he turned down the job, giving it to Courier Six, as if the Mojave would sort him/her out. He was even surprised to see he/she was still alive.


He rescued Christine Royce from the Big Empty. He knows Joshua Grahamn, the Burned Man. He knows Father Elijah. He at one point, or possibly still, works for Caesar to eliminate the Legion's enemies.


Courier Six affected this man's life without even realizing it. Oddly poetic, he believes deeply in the Old World, to the point of bearing its flag on his back and wielding a flag pole as his weapon of choice.


We know he is destined to battle Courier Six under the torn skies of the Divide, both couriers bearing a message for the other.


But who is he? And more importantly... what is his connection to Courier Six? The Courier is such a blank slate, this had to be the first bit of insight into the Courier's backstory aside from little bits like visiting New Reno and Montana.


What intrigues me most is... The Canyon Wreckage, likely to be the entry point for the upcoming Lonesome Road. Graffiti is written there. "Go home, Courier". Which reminds me... when you first me Veronica, she asks you where you came from. Various answers include "Goodsprings", "The grave", but one caught my interest. "I don't know." Could it be that the Courier's home lies west, at the Divide?


Who is he to Courier Six? An old friend? A brother? An old comrade? Or possibly an old flame...


Discuss. I know it's probably been talked about before, but I'd like some fresh viewpoints in light of what we learned from Old World Blues. State whatever theories you have in regards to Ulysses. Discuss them, argue about them. I just want to hear them.

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