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Microsoft's "Gaming Cloud"


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The worst of all is that if you are on Cloud you are under US laws even if the server is in the EU (reason is that Microsoft is an US company). So the basic is that if one company / consumer is suspected a terrorist or have dealings with terrorists the cloud data is searched by the patriot act... now the rely bad news is that Microsoft if it gets the order to search with National Security Letter, a user / company under the suspicion of being a terrorist or have dealings with terrorist hasn't even the rights to inform anybody not even the country's authorities the Cloud server stands in to search. and the Microsoft employee's are under the total silence due to the National Security Letter. now imagine how easy it could be for US Companies that work with the FBI to prove that parts of the foreign company (military) have been shipped to terrorists... a rogue that thinks evil about this ...

But it even goes beyond that now imagine all data on your illnesses of an health insurance company is available on a cloud system... oh .. oh..:pinch: now what could Microsoft and the FBI do with this super database of information? ... Let me guess sooner or later they have access to all data from every person because those data bases are outsourced to a Could system ... Now think of legalizing later the access of governments and other companies to that Super Data base... they know what you like they know every correspondences you have and with whom be it love letters or Company correspondence's ... now here is a Germany saying ( don't know if you have a similar ) " f a criminal gets away once, he will do it again even more impudently than before!"


Companies have already taken steps to ensure their safety only making contracts with European companies that build their own cloud like services. Here German Tellekom is working on this. there might be others i don't have on my radar.

I personally see it coming that we end up in Orwell's 1984. I marvel every time how farsighted Orwell was on his horror scenarios or wonder if the governments and companies are taking Orwell's books as work Instructions on a long run or both in any imaginably mix.


No cloud for me please I value my privacy and i value my individuality and my little freedom I have and my human rights.

Edited by SilverDNA
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I've already seen advertisements for The Cloud when I'm trying to watch YouTube videos... but, my assumption is that they wont be able to switch everyone, and everything over like they hope. If they did, I would personally quit gaming... not worth it.
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Sounds like Onlive, single player games with lag, lovely. :thumbsup:




The good news is that it's really only the big name companies who are pushing for this sort of thing. Hardware manufacturers don't want it since it would pretty much kill their private sales. Smaller software makers don't want it since they would never be able to support the connection and hosting demands for something like that. Customers don't want it because it takes all the control out of their hands and becomes a real issue of Big Brother... especially in the case of storing data files in the cloud rather than locally.


The only one who is really pushing this idea is Microsoft since it allows them to move away from the difficulties of OS sales and go towards OS and system rentals. And that should REALLY scare EVERYONE.


The bigger companies want to put PC gamers into a walled garden like they have with consoles, they know it's near impossible to lock PCs down like they have with consoles so it makes sense for them not to put that content on to the players PC in first place.

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