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maddogtheman - BANNED

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maddogtheman banned.




Chat log:


Yesterday, 11:21 PM 	maddogtheman 	i was hoping for more of a friendly chat room
Yesterday, 11:18 PM 	maddogtheman 	well i just hope they understand life isn't easy for some people ^.^
Yesterday, 11:15 PM 	maddogtheman 	im not a cheap skate times are just rough up here
Yesterday, 11:12 PM 	maddogtheman 	i turned it on with the mod manger and im actually using deamon tools to run oblivion cause i got it off torrent


Who said life is easy for the rest of us? Stop crying like a baby about your problems and how your pirated copy don't work right. Go buy the game or just go away. Well, I doubt you'll buy the game so just go away.

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