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Is being too rich a bad idea?

The Cloak

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I have accumulated over 1.2 million gold coins,, so money is not a problem for me,, is it a bad idea to have that much money,, it seems like although im set for the rest of the game,, it does seem to take away some of the fun of finding treasures,, i mean, I will do a quest and ill get rewarded 200 coins,, and im like "whoop de doo" lol,, any thoughts , opinions, suggestions???
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It certainly dose take some of the pizazs out of many of the smaller quests, it can also seriously reduce your charecters life-span if you choose to spend it buying levels from master trainers, the advantage of having 1.2 million however is that you never sit there and go...oook i have 500g should i blow it on healing potions or that poision blade?
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Don't tend to spend my cash on trainers really (as all stats bar luck are now at 100). I use it mostly for travelling (silt strider etc) and buying stuff I use like armourer hammers, etc or enchanted items.


At high levels even though you have loads of money, you don't really need it. I can do most stuff myself (alchemy for potions, tend to find enough lockpicks etc).

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IMO it unbalances the game hugely. I just leave it in the cupboard in the mages guild Balmora and forget I ever had it. That's where I keep my used keys too as there is no limit to the number that can be stored there.


However when I do a game for other reasons - e.g currently updating my NPC list to show what they train etc. - then I like to level up as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter in such a situation that the game is unbalanced.

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Well, you said that it kind of takes the fun out of recieving money from quests and looting... Does it matter? You have 1.2 mill...either spend it... Or keep going until you have more!!!
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One of the biggest problems with Morrowind, I think, is that it is all too easy to accumulate wealth and there is nothing to spend it on. If find myself doing quests just to raise rank in a faction. I do not spend that much time exploring dungeons out in the wilds because there is not much of an incentive. I used to explore all the time when my character was new, and he found a bunch of good stuff, but now there is nothing left to find except for some unique items which, generally, are not as good as enchanted items I could make myself.


My character isn't even a thief. He has never stolen anything. If he were a thief I would have reached the "too much money" state much earlier.


Because I play on Xbox, there is not a lot I can do about the situation. However, I also have Morrowind on PC and when I start a new character on the PC I am going to do some things to make the economy work better:


- House mod that allows me to buy houses in different towns. This is a good way to eat up cash. I also want to change the mod to make it so that each house needs so much gold spending each month on upkeep. (The original mod was Indybank, which also creates banks where you can store money, but I modified it to add more houses.)


- A shop that sells special weapons and armor for very high prices. These are items taken from various mods that cannot be found elsewhere in the game. Having a high end shop is great for giving you an incentive to raise money. There are a few mods out there that do this, although the one I am using is one I am writing myself because I want to make the shop thief proof.


- A mod that makes filled soul gems worth much less money. This is very easy to create.


- Increase the cost of training, mage guild travel, silt strider travel and ship travel. Also easy to do. Doesn't make a lot of difference but I do think it is more realistic.


- Devalued all the items in the game. There are a couple of mods that do this. It's easy to do yourself although it takes some time. This does make it easier to sell more items, but it avoids the scenario where you give a merchant a ton of cash and then sell some stupidly expensive item (e.g. Lords Mail) and get all the cash back.


- Not use Creeper or Mudcrab. I never have.


- Not use the armorer skill, so I have to pay to get everything repaired.


- Make the mercantile skill much harder to increase.


I am hoping that all these changes make the economy more viable, although I still think that money is too easy to get. The problem is, even if you do not exploit any feature of the game, such as using alchemy to make cash, selling soul gems, using creeper, you still end up with too much money. As I make changes to the economy, all that happens is that I become more tempted to use one of these money making schemes.


So, in answer to the original question: Yes, being too rich is a bad idea, but it is inevitable. Unless you play a character that believes in poverty and never collects or sells loot, you will become so rich that money is never an incentive. Either way, the game becomes less addictive as a result.

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well, the first question is did u get the money yourself or did you use cheats :huh:


not to mention things dont seem as expensive, i would probably have heaps more money if I didn't spend it all on potions in this bit where i was stuck in the game :blink: i used to spend 2000 gold at one time.


but yes i believe being too rich is a bad thing mainly because you begin to underrate what people give you like in thieves guild if they give you 2 master lockpicks worth 200 or something you just dont appreciate it :help: and it well...


in that sense it does cheapen the game ;)

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There should be some bigger things that you richies can buy...I had 450k some days ago, and now i am down to 150k! lol


What i'm saying is that, can't anybody make a mod (I can't get the CS to work properly, it's the render window problem...) that makes something HUGE, EXPENSIVE things like:


Dinosaurs, Dragons for travelling with B) (should cost something like a million or two(VERY hard to find,even harder then to find all the artifacts within an hour, WITHOUT any help from spoilers, and should be put on random locations so no one can say where to find one!)), Overpowered staffs etc,...

or maybe something like...cars?! j/k...

houses,...off-topic---> And for gods sake make a flying race that involves heavy(but steady) fatigue drop...and wings animation !!


back to topic---> transforming spells(turns you into the Indigo in wolverine's revenge for example) for 10-50 seconds...


all these suggestions were mine ONLY!

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Think I know that problem. I have something around 1000k and really don't know, what to spend it for - at least nothing I would like to spend it for or I even needed.


Wouldn't it be nice if there were some social funds or something like that? Poor people running around, beeing so glad somebody's helping? Or why can't I give money to the two missions in Ebenheart? In return they could build some kind of statue/s for my generosity.^ B)


I also like the idea with the buying-houses-thing. Or could I recreate my stronghold? Adding houses, wells, trees etc.? Hmm - wrong kinda game? <_<


And there should be some expenses for my stronghold!

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