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Is Suicide Wrong



18 members have voted

  1. 1. Is suicide Wrong?

    • Yes, DON`T DO IT !!
    • Yes, it is selfish, cowardly etc.
    • No, Everyone has a right to decide this themselves

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OK. This Debate is about suicide. What do you think? Is it wrong or not?



I think everyone has a sovereign right to decide this themselves. Human beings are unique among animals in that we have the power to end our own lives if we choose to do so.


However, for some reason the society takes upon itself to stop a person from using that power even by forcible methods if necessary. A suicidal person is deemed mentally unfit to make decisions for him/herself and is locked away in a mental institution "for his/her own protection" until he/she has overcome his/her suicidal thoughts and is again deemed fit to be released into the society.


Mental health patients are not allowed to buy guns in many countries just so they can´t kill themselves. Why?


What right does the society have to intervene in a persons right to decide about his/her own life?


Isn´t suicide a persons own choice?


I know. Some will argue that a suicide is NEVER just a personal decision, but involves everyone around the person, but still I maintain that it is fundamentally a personal decision and others should not intervene in any case.

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Aren´t the two related. The right to die is usually seen as something for the terminally ill, but does a healthy person have the right to die if he/she chooses to?


Suicide is NOT a crime, at least not in Finland, but still the society will try to intervene if someone shows signs of suicidal behavior.


In 19th century England attempting suicide was punishable by the death penalty or so I´ve read. So if you couldn´t kill yourself then the government would finish the job for you.

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If you want to kill yourself its your choice to do so.


However Aurielius is right, clarify what you mean.


Suicide can have religious issues as well as having moral issues. People may care about you when you kill yourself, and that would mean you are causing other people problems by doing so.


The right to die is the belief that you have complete control over your life, and can end it if you want.


Suicide sometimes is wrong since it causes problems for other people. The right to die is not the same thing.


In short, are you talking about if suicide is wrong, or if people should have the right to kill themselves.

Edited by marharth
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I figger if someone has had enough of this life, for whatever reason, and they decide they don't wanna deal with it any more, who are we to say that "You can't do that!"?? There will come a time in my not-as-distant-as-I-would-like future, that my quality of life is going to be gone. At that point, I could see myself eating a bullet, or something equally as deadly. I don't see the point of being confined to a bed, and having to have folks feed/bath/change my diaper. Oh hell no. Once thru that trip was more than enough. Just take me out of my misery, and spare my loved ones the necessity of caring for my useless carcass.
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Suicide means killing yourself and since it is not a crime it can be said that it is your right to do so.


Yes, there are religious concerns as to your view on afterlife, but religious debates are banned here, so no more on that.


Yes there is the concern for other people and the pain you might cause them by your actions.


Moral issues? As to what is right or wrong? Well that´s what this debate is about. Is killing yourself wrong? Is it wrong to take your own life?


The method is irrelevant. Whether by gun or poison or hanging or drowning or jumping etc. etc.


LEGALLY, it is not punishable, so you have the right to do so.


Religiously, Catholicism says you go to Hell for it, Protestantism considers it a tragedy, but you probably won´t go to Hell as far as I know. Don´t know about other religions.


Morally, I dunno?


Socially? Is it acceptable to bring pain to others?


Yes, but this debate is about suicide.


@HeyYou: So you figure that once you´re old and senile and can´t take care of yourself any more, then you´ll eat a dose of lead aspirin? :biggrin: I´d do the same thing. Better to die with dignity than to be spoon fed and all the rest for the rest of your days. Those days are going to be miserable anyway and death is inevitable so why not just speed up the process?


As for the relatives. When was the last time you visited your ancestors graves? And if you did visit, how long did you stay there? Most people forget about you and move on in their lives right after the funeral. In a few months you´ll be just a distant memory. And what about when your immediate relatives have joined you in the afterlife, who will remember you then? No one, unless you are someone important or have made something memorable. Presidents, statesmen, rock-stars etc. are remembered forever by history, us normal people sink into oblivion as soon as our relatives are dead.


There is an exception though. Parents. The loss of a child can be devastating to a parent and will likely haunt them for the rest of their lives. No parent should have to bury their child, it is said. So I would at least wait until my parents are dead before pulling the trigger. The younger sister is another question, if I choose to care about her, then I can´t possibly kill myself before she is dead and since she is younger and a woman she´ll probably out-live me naturally, so the only choice is not to care about her feelings if I want to control my own life.

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Suicide means killing yourself and since it is not a crime it can be said that it is your right to do so.


Yes, there are religious concerns as to your view on afterlife, but religious debates are banned here, so no more on that.


Yes there is the concern for other people and the pain you might cause them by your actions.


Moral issues? As to what is right or wrong? Well that´s what this debate is about. Is killing yourself wrong? Is it wrong to take your own life?


The method is irrelevant. Whether by gun or poison or hanging or drowning or jumping etc. etc.


LEGALLY, it is not punishable, so you have the right to do so.


Religiously, Catholicism says you go to Hell for it, Protestantism considers it a tragedy, but you probably won´t go to Hell as far as I know. Don´t know about other religions.


Morally, I dunno?


Socially? Is it acceptable to bring pain to others?


Yes, but this debate is about suicide.

If your asking is it wrong to try kill yourself, sometimes it is.


If you cause pain to other people I would consider that as being a bad thing to do. I don't think laws should be made against it, but it isn't completely okay in a lot of cases.

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These are two separate issues.


The twilight of a life well-lived that has run its course. Sure I support your choice.


An impulsive decision at 33 fairly good health leaving your 5 children behind to fend in this life for themselves? That is a coward.

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Oddly, two interesting things about this:


1. In some countries, it's illegal to COMMIT suicide. Exactly how do you punish someone who succeeded in killing themselves?


2. This has actually been asked in courtrooms: "How many times have you committed suicide?". An answer lower or higher than zero will be a serious paradox.

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