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The plot is in dire need of a Veronica romance mod


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Probably an Arcade romance mod too, but Veronica's my highest priority. Apart from the painful lack of logic in the PC's inability to flirt with any of their companions despite being able to sleep with random other people rather frequently (even blackmailing a few into sex), a plausible romance path with Veronica could provide an alternative to her painfully uninspired endings.


Voice acting is no object. I'm a freakin' mute protagonist myself, silent NPCs are no big deal. The only trouble would be writing it.

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You'd also have to remove the dialogue saying that shes homosexual.The same for Arcade.

Why would I do that? Obviously, they'd both be gay romances.



why would you do *what*, exactly? Sounded to me like you didn't want to do any of it, that you were asking for someone else to do it.


If you're wanting to do it on your own, then by all means, go right on ahead.


Mod authors, however, usually tend to make things unisex (or admittedly, hetero) so a larger portion of the community can/will enjoy their (extremely time consuming) work. So if you are wanting a mod author's help with this, it'd probably not just be homo relations, but rather work with either gender.

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You'd need the original voice actress. You can write the best script for this but if you don't have that original person acting it, the magic is gone.

Or just replace all of her voice acting. Though I think I remember reading that Sarah Weintraub uses two different voice types and i never really noticed, but the concept would encourage a lot more interaction with Veronica and make it that much easier to notice.

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You'd need the original voice actress. You can write the best script for this but if you don't have that original person acting it, the magic is gone.


That's a LOT of voice acting. And if you want quality. You'd have to pay for it. I doubt you'd be able to find anyone who could do all the lines of Veronica (about 15 pages of dialogue) and do it for free...and do a better job than Felicia Day. Unlikely. Also in my humble opinion...by getting someone other than Felicia Day, you've essentially destroyed Veronica. At this point, I wouldn't bother with the mod. You're better off using all of that time to create another character from scratch. The only plausible way I could see this happening is if you get someone who could mimic Felicia Day's voice. You'd have to pay a bit to get someone who could mimic it to the dot and have her voice the extra lines.


And writing text in with additional lines but no acted lines...is worse. Wouldn't bother with that.

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I was thinking something like that too, but it's an option if someone really wants to try.


Plus, my memory may be a bit fuzzy here, but I always suspected that her and Christine were implying that they were talking about each other when they were talking about their lost loves, so to speak.

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Actually. Just had a brilliant idea.


There *is* a way to do this.


Give me a few minutes. There's a character in Dragon Age 2 that Felicia Day voiced that was romanceable. I'm going to investigate her lines and see if anything is applicable. However...I don't know if this is technically something one would be able to do ...legally....but it would be pretty easy to do. Give me a few seconds to type up the exact script and remove things that wouldn't work for Fallout.

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So here's an example.





:41 I was hoping you’d reconsider

:51 I need to relieve him of something he has no right to possess and I can’t do it alone.

1:04 This isn’t how I was planning to ask you this. I was picturing an introduction with less blood.

1:15 That’s the idea or did you have something else in mind?

1:22 I think I’d like that.

1:29 A jewel.

1:35 And it is. Just not in the way that believes. What’s more. He shouldn’t have it in the first place. He who wishes to walk on water must first learn to swim.

1:46 I’ll explain everything on the way.

1:50 If nothing else, you get fine wine and fancy company…..but I hope you want more than that.

2:08 No. Oh the sound.

2:09 Right. Yes. I can try that.

2:15 Let’s head to that spot we found.

2:17 Ok, I’ll do the sound. You get ready.

2:22 Don’t look at me while I do this.

2:31 you wanna do it. Didn’t think so.

2:52 You have it! Tell me you have it!

2:54 Good. Then we can find the jewel and get this over with.

3:10 Let’s find that door and get inside.

3:14 I have a question.

3:21 You said you didn’t care. Was that true?

3:33 So. At least wer’e not dead. I don’t suppose an apology would make things better.

3:45 Sort of a one-track mind I see.

3:55 (laughing) Don’t you think the traditional method might work better?

4:01 you’re angry, aren’t you?

4:07 Look on the bright side. That’s got to be worth something, right? Unless he has something worse planned.

4:19 Not a fan of tunneling our way out, I take it?

4:24 Oh the things you say.

4:34 And there’s the way out. See. I told you I had a plan. It was a good plan. The kind that had an escape and everything.

4:50 So you could go. There are however..other options.

4:59 But we’ve been through so much together.

5:09 (laughing)

5:12 So it’s true what they say about you. You’ve been so reasonable since we were captured.

5:18 I’m hoping that hasn’t changed.

5:24 My people as well as yours.

5:27 It’s my duty to stop him. Even so. I can’t do it alone. Not anymore.

5:40 That’s up to you. I couldn’t force you to help even if I wanted to.

5:44 I get the feeling you’re an exceptional person (remove Hawke). Here’s your chance to prove it.

5:49 I am grateful. I want you to know that.

5:56 A friend? Is that what I am?

6:05 Such a charmer.

6:18. Um yes. (coughs) yes. I see.

6:27 Oh. Before I forget.

6:34 And be back before anybody is wiser

6;38 I suppose nothing goes like we planned. Does it?

6:40 Take care of yourself. Maybe we’ll meet again. Sometime.

6:51 All right. Something specific in mind?

6:59. Oh?


:38 I am sorry. This didn’t work out like I planned.






Stilll...it lacks depth...nothing could replace the original

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