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ModReq: Transfer Enchantments.


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It's simple. Add some sort of new table (or option to the current enchanting table) that lets you transfer enchantments from one item to other.
You pick the item with the enchantment, then the item you want to move the enchantment to, then you select a filled Soul Gem of the correct size (most enchantments from leveled lists have 5 tiers, so).
The enchantment is only copy-pasted, can't improve with this method.
The first item is destroyed as usual.
A secondary enchantment can be placed, but for that you need 2 Soul Gems, one for the new enchantment and the other to keep the item stable while receiving a new enchantment. For difficulty, it can require a Black Soul Gem because those are rare.

Who's going to use this? People who don't want to spend points and time in Enchanting, primarily.

It's quite a gameplay improvement, really, you can have the enchantments without breaking your game by getting free extra points from Enchanting, and you can't do it for money either, while also letting people have good gear and stimulating dungeon-delving and shopping/trade.

P.S.: Compatibility for Wintermyst and Better Soul Trap are a good thing to have.

Edited by subtlestrike
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Hey man, this mod covered by brodual is probably a lot more than you want ...



However it does include a feature like the one you're requesting, the assimilation feature.

Not sure what else is out there but it might be of use to you, or help you if you decide to make mods yourself.

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