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Geck Problem


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:confused: Loaded my mod and it was suddenly missing several hours of work around six separate saves. I'd saved gone ingame to play test then did some more work and saved on top of that... business as usual. Now all that work is suddenly gone, i have no idea what the hell is going on. Anyone seen this kinda behavior before?
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possibly the result of you opening an older version and saving it over a newer version of your mod? Or possibly turning off (or someone else without you knowing) your computer while thinking you already saved your progress in the geck, when in reality it never saved to begin with in-turn losing your progress. Otherwise I've never had this issue.
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possibly the result of you opening an older version and saving it over a newer version of your mod? Or possibly turning off (or someone else without you knowing) your computer while thinking you already saved your progress in the geck, when in reality it never saved to begin with in-turn losing your progress. Otherwise I've never had this issue.

Thanks Skibblets. I do make a back up copy every day I work on it but i copy from my data folder to my desktop and it wasnt someone else. I know the saves were made because i went ingame to check my work as you know work wont show up ingame unless its saved. Thanks for the feedback :)

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@kevkiev I cant quote you cuz you cut your post but i think you had the right idea.

I've had problems before when my laptop gets too hot and Geck starts acting wonky. While this is the first time ive had undo get stuck (which seems to be the case) i have had the item selector get stuck as well as the terrain texture paint brush get stuck in the on position. One of the nice features of the undo is that even if youve already saved you can still undo to a previous state, which if it gets stuck can undo all work (this seems a likely explanation). I'm going to see If I can redo if that doesnt work well....

If the Geck starts acting wonky its probly best to shut it down without saving, of course this is all speculation. Thanks for the help every one :thumbsup:

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Lol, that's too funny. I deleted my comment 'cuz I became pretty sure that wasn't the problem. For my Geck issue I went back to an earlier esp and redid everything, avoiding the undo function like the plague, but I still ran into the exact same thing. I'd move things around in the GECK, but they'd appear in the original location in game. I even deleted the offending objects and one of 'em still appeared in game! :wacko: Come to think of it though, I guess some of the weird things I was seeing could indeed have been the undo phantom.


In any event, glad to add some enlightenment... as accidental as it was :D

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