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Need help with my load order


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Hey there. I just got Fallout for my computer and I need a bit of help with all my new mods. I am not use to this sorta thing so if anyone could figure out a way to make these work without my game crashing at start up that would be swell.


here is my order so far:









Shojo.esm (race)


FNNCQ.esm (Slavery overhual)



StarFox.esp (race)


GhostArmor HGEC - Conversion.esp (Armor and new quest area)

faff.esp (face positioning mod)

Cat Outfit Fanged.esp

Childhood Beginning.esp


Named Lamplighters.esp

ChildArmorPack.esp (Clothing mods here down)







Rivens Wings.esp


LaserSword.esp (Weapon mods)

Weapon - Some Katanas.esp

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Buster.esp

Vault 89 (player home) V1-35.esp

Location 1 (Megaton-V101).esp



I have gotten it to run past the main screen, but only if I turn off the "Cat Outfit Fanged.esp" which I really want. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Been typing that load order by hand I presume? No need. Do you have FoMM? Of course you do. In FoMM, go to "Load order", then select "Copy to clipboard" and you can paste the load order in a post or wherever else. :thumbsup:


Anyway, if there's 1 tool out there that can help you sorting your load order it's: BOSS


I have gotten it to run past the main screen, but only if I turn off the "Cat Outfit Fanged.esp"

That's a little odd. Are you certain you installed it right? (the meshes and textures and whatnot) Also, does it happens to rely on a "master" .esm? (other then the FO3 main file of course)

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There is one thing I have noticed-sometimes using the BOSS Better Oblivion Software Sorting can be a good thing, but I have founf sorting by hand is way better. First off, open your mod manager and click each mod going down and read at the bottom. If there is one mod your missing, you either need to get it for that mod to be compatible, or drop that mod.


I have been doing this for some time now. I have over 127 mods and have checked them all out myself. Try it just once and you'll see for yourself.


Just some Fallout 3 wisdom for ya. Now I got a problem I need help with...lol

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If you're new to this I wouldn't recommend starting off with that many mods at one.. Install 3-4 at a time, and read the read-me to figure out the load order, and play a little bit to see if you notice any problems. If not, download 3-4 more, rinse, repeat. BOSS CAN be good, but I wouldn't trust it. Also if you haven't already, check off Activate Invalidation under Tools in FOMM. If you haven't already download FO3edit, learn how to make a merge patch and how to use MasterUpdate.
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