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Question on Script


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I am working on a mod and well I did a quest where you must find a Fire Guard

(Goes on the right hand) and you must use it to pick up another item.


I put in the script



Begin TooHotScrip


;If the player doesnot have the Fireguard then display msgbox and can't pick up


;If the player does have the fireguard then he/she can pick up item.


if ( OnAcrivate == 1 )

if ( Player->GetItemCount fireguard < 1 )

MessageBox " " "ok"


elseif ( Player->GetitemCount Fireguard > 1 )

(What do I put?)







I'm not sure if I should put 'return' after the elseif or before the elseif, Also what does the command return mean? :help:

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1: Wrong forum, moving this to TES CS.


2: Return is a command that stops the game from reading the rest of the script. So when it runs into the Return command, it will ignore the rest of the script.


3: It should read If ( OnActivate == 1 ) not Acrivate :P


4: It should be If ( Player -> GetItemCount Fireguard == 1 ) unless it needs to be set so it checks if the player has MORE than one of the item.


5: Hmm... maybe put:


Player -> AddItem, "IDOfItemYouWantToPickUp" 1

IDOfItemYouWantToPickUp -> Disable


That should add it to the player's inventory and make the item disappear from the game world.

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Just do activate... It'd do the same thing as Switch's two lines, but without that iffy self-disable routine.


Begin TooHotScrip


If ( OnActivate == 1 )

If ( Player->GetItemCount FireGuard == 0 )

MessageBox "The object is too hot to be touched." ;Replace with whatever you want to go here; a game-stopping messagebox would be pretty useless unless you're going to give the PC a choice...

Return ;This won't break the script as it's in a conditional...

Else ;Support for multiple FireGuards... Don't ask.





; Ahem... Forgetting something? How about we put the script name after End...


End TooHotScript


Or, if you want to have the message displayed until the PC equips FireGuard, make a short global and put this script on FireGuard...


Begin FireGuardEquip


If ( OnPCEquip == 1 )

Set GLOBAL_REPLACE to 1 ;Replace GLOBAL_REPLACE with the name of your global



End FireGuardEquip


...and modify TooHotScript like so...


Begin TooHotScrip


If ( OnActivate == 1 )

If ( GLOBAL_REPLACE == 0 ) ;Same thing, replace GLOBAL_REPLACE with the name of your global

MessageBox "The object is too hot to be touched."







End TooHotScript

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Just for the sake of completness:

OnPCEquip has to be declared in order to work properly, otherwise you'll get the "EXPRESSION" script error.

Begin FireGuardEquip

Short OnPCEquip

If ( OnPCEquip == 1 )

Set GLOBAL_REPLACE to 1  ;Replace GLOBAL_REPLACE with the name of your global



End FireGuardEquip

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a script that I'm working on, and nothing is working, can anyone help me out? The Script is to move a rock down when the Player gets close enough.



Begin OpenRock


Short done

float timerspeed

float timer


if ( MenuMode == 1 )




if ( GetDistance, player < 10 )

Set done to 1



if ( done < 1 )




Set timerspeed to 1


Set timer to timer + Getsecondspassed


if ( Timer >= timerspeed )

PlaySound3DVP "Stone Door Open 1" 1.0, 1.0

Position Z, - 10 Rotate Z, 0




if ( Position , ,5418 < 5052 )

Set done to -1


Set done to 1




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Im not sure completely y i does not work but herres for starters...



1. some of those commands may need to be declared


2. change if ( done < 1 ) to if ( done != 1 )


3. Im not usre but this doesnt look right ... Position Z, - 10 Rotate Z, 0

i dont thinnk position is a script command (note i may be wrong)



Thats all that i can see otherwise it should work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay a little problem here, How do I work with GLOBALS I have no idea how to work them and I'm sure its simple but I try to make a script were it does not need to be placed inside of an item.


Is this how you make one?


Begin ""


startscript ""


StopScript ""




What do I do? Please answer me!

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global scripts?


for a global script, say we have the script "Im_Jimmy"


basically you would have a script, or the results of a dialogue that said

StartScript, "Im_Jimmy"


then you would have the script:


Begin Im_Jimmy


short progress

short bla


If ( Progress == 1 )

StopScript, "Im_Jimmy"

endif ;this stops the script when you dont need it anymore


if ( bla == 1 )

;when done put this:

Set Progress to 1




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