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Question about swapping weapon animations


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Hi all,


I'm a newb when it comes to modding and I'm currently messing around with Creation Kit.


Using the assets from Modern Firearm, I duplicated the AR-15 assault rifle weapon entry and created a new stand alone weapon.

I changed the weapon animation by removing the submachine gun animation keyword (animsSubmachinegun) and then add the radium rifle animation (animsGammaRifle) keyword. However, it didn't work out too well. Player character is using the radium rifle animation, but the weapon's position still seems to be the submachine gun's position. (as shown in the following screenshots).


I'm wondering is there any way I can somehow change the weapon's position from submachine gun to radium rifle? (i.e. adding additional keywords? Nifskope editing? animation group edit?)



Thanks in advance.


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Ok, does that mean in Nifskope, I will have to edit the the weapon's receiver's NiNodes and manually change each NiNode's translation (x,y,z positions) to match the ones in Radium rifle?

(I have to admit, I'm still quite a noob at Nifskope and I'm learning it as I go...)



Edited by crysisguy
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