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Need your advice


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I need your advice about a new feature I'll add to Ultimatum: yelling at enemies to have them surrender.

Here is the script; if chancetowin > chancetofail, the enemy will surrender. What do you think about it?

scn SAGPlayerYellingScriptEffect

float DistanceFromPlayer
float PlayerLuck
float TerrPresence
float SkillGunEnemy
float SkillGun
float HasDetected
float Chancetofail
float chancetowin

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set HasDetected to (getdetected player)*150
set DistanceFromPlayer to (getdistance player) /3 ;  
set playerluck to (player.getav Luck) *25  
set TerrPresence to (player.hasperk NVTerrifyingPresence) *100
set SkillGun to (player.getav guns) *3 
set skillgunenemy to (getav guns) *5
set chancetowin to (playerluck + terrpresence + skillgun)
set chancetofail to (hasdetected + Distancefromplayer + skillgunenemy)

if chancetowin > chancetofail
; do some stuff


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I love the basic premise.


For some types of enemies like Fiends or other frenzied people you'd have to take that into account. Handling creatures would be a bit different, but the perks for some types of animals already turn them from hostile to neutral and even to ally in a fight. Maybe base creature logic on survival skill or something if you wanted to do creatures.


What do you do with surrenders though? Or do you just turn them to neutral and make them non-hostile? Or make them disappear?


Does the player get XP for captures?

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I love the basic premise.


For some types of enemies like Fiends or other frenzied people you'd have to take that into account. Handling creatures would be a bit different, but the perks for some types of animals already turn them from hostile to neutral and even to ally in a fight. Maybe base creature logic on survival skill or something if you wanted to do creatures.


What do you do with surrenders though? Or do you just turn them to neutral and make them non-hostile? Or make them disappear?


Does the player get XP for captures?


Thanks! For now, it will affect only actors and not creatures, it's a tactical mod which aims to improve the infiltration with non-lethal ways. Captured enemies can be enslaved (bad karma), tied, or can become ally (high speech skill). You get XP for each captured enemy of course.

I was also thinking of adding a new factor to the all thing: GetGroupMemberCount. It the number of people who are ally with your enemy; if you have more allies maybe you'll have less chance to surrender?

What do you guys think about it?

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