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[Mesh Importing Help] The Creation Kit crashes when I import my weapon meshes. I need help!

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I've been frustratingly trying to get this to work but I just don't know what to do. I used nifskope to overwrite the trishapes on the vanilla assault rifle receiver mesh and it keeps crashing every time I try to import it or view it in the Creation Kit. Alternatively, I DID get the barrel mesh imported and viewable in the CK but in game it is invisible.


I haven't found any tutorial that could help me with this as they aren't available yet. I'm not as concerned with collision working properly yet but I just want the actual mesh to import correctly and be visible in game!


I'm pleading for any help with this at all. If you need screenshots or more info I'll provide as much as I can.

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These are a few troubleshooting steps you can run through:


Are block names unique?

Are nodes valid, either NiNodes or BSTriShapes?

Do BSShaderLightingProperty names contain valid filepaths to materials?

Are you including all of the necessary Extra Data under the root NiNode and is it in the right order?


If yes, yes, yes, and yes, then you could provide a link or screenshot of the resource in question and people can help further.

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Well here's something else you could try: select whichever NiNode in the Block List under which you pasted in your BSTriShapes and look at Children in Block Details; expand the array and make sure that anything that you've pasted occupies the first entries in the list.

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You can name the NiNodes and BSTriShades however you want, even give them all the same name. Only effect is, that the obj export combines all BSTriShades with the same name (and when exporting to nif again they are separated again, so don't do it for meshes you want to edit).


If you haven't already, try the "Sanitize" options in the "Spells" menu (especially "collapse link arrays" and "reorder link arrays") and "Batch" -> "Update all tangent spaces". I don't know much about weapons, but for static objects this fixes most CTDs.


Invisible meshes are probably caused by an invalid material path.


PS: You can try importing them in CK without loading an esm or esp file. Much faster than loading, crash, editing, loading, crash...

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DarthWayne has brought to light an important question which has not yet been asked: is the OP using Blender's .obj export which also requires running it through Outfit Studio, or 3ds Max's .nif export?


Using Outfit Studio can introduce more potential errors like exporting a .nif which has skinned data, and which I believe is enabled by default in the program.

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DarthWayne has brought to light an important question which has not yet been asked: is the OP using Blender's .obj export which also requires running it through Outfit Studio, or 3ds Max's .nif export?


Using Outfit Studio can introduce more potential errors like exporting a .nif which has skinned data, and which I believe is enabled by default in the program.


No I'm using the 3DS NIF exporter. Not the Bethesda one though, the one that's had Fallout 4 support for a while.


I'll try some of these things when I get the chance and see if they make a difference. As for the invalid material path, that shouldn't be the case since I can see the barrel mesh textured properly in the CK. It's just in game where it doesn't show up.

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Here's what I mean about making sure that Extra Data is sorted:




If the first entry in the Extra Data List array is blank, then it has been known to cause crashes. Most weapon meshes also organize Extra Data in a similar way, with NiStringExtraData ordered first. In the image I probably should have also put BSX flags in the second position since the block is numbered 2, but just for tidiness's sake.


The same applies to looking at the Children of a NiNode. NifSkope automatically expands the Children array of a NiNode and assigns new nodes to sequential positions in the array when pasted in. If any of the original child nodes of the target NiNode are deleted, their entries in the parent NiNode's Children array are left blank. When the first child node is deleted and its link left is left undefined (blank) in the array, this too has been known to cause crashes.

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