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Texture Problem


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Alright, so when I use certain mods I have a "flickering" texture. It seems to change when I move. Instead of being the correct texture it is sometimes just bright white, or black black, or some stranger patterned color. I have FOMM and Archive Invalidation. My FOMM is the newest version. Any help would be appreciated with my problem :wallbash:
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Yeah I put everything in in the right places, one mod is http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35312.

Well, that would explain it I guess. That mod is for New Vegas. It is possible to port it of course, but it requires some procedure.


There's actually a little vid on youtube explaining it: Link


Don't know if it's any good though. I don't bother with NV. At all.

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I did port it. And even in my FNV it has the same flickering texture. I think that maybe the only flickering one I have. I thought I had another mod, but I guess not.
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I'll handle this http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Two solutions to throw at you:


1) Open the model in nifskope.

Open the branches to textureset

Check the texture paths. Ensure that they are definitely typed correctly and are assigned directly to the texture.

Save the model after you've made the appropriate changes.


- That should fix it for you


2) Use the archive invalidation tool.


Click the activate button and your archive invalidation WILL work, it rarely fails.

It's a sure fire way to be sure it is on.

Do it even if you're certain archive invalidation is working, the FOMM version didn't work for me once so I had to result to that mod. Very handy.

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