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Looking at plugins i can see a lot of great stuff. Perhaps one of the coolest things i have stumbled across is a samurai class. Its pretty good but i figured why not look even further at it? why not create an opposing class- the tangeshima, a japanese rifle man? I have no skill with the editor (my version of morrowind is about 7 days old :) ) God knows if it can be done, but i figured it would be pretty smart without being unbalanced ( ie RAMBO CLASS, WITH ADDED ROCKET LAUNCHERS)


Anyone up to the challenge?

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Well, I've said this before... but I'd like to see something like that, an rifle mod that actually fits somewhat with the rest of the world. I can do the model and textures, but I have no idea how to translate the new attack animations to the Morrowind engine. If anyone can find an explanation for me, I'd be happy to make the mod.
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Last I heard, Peregrine, someone was already working on that. I think it would just need some new sounds, textures, models and maybe a few scripts to make the gun shots sound realistic, reload properly, and probably new animations for loading and firing the rifle.

Other than that, it follows as a crossbow, as best I know.

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Well, were the rifle a single-shot breechloading bolt action, the animation looks just fine. Of course, bolt actions are, almost by definition, multiple shot actions as the bolt is a loading tool for the next bullet. [Of course, what's to say that you're not sticking your ammo in a magazine? If so, then the action you make almost looks exactly like switching the bullet in a rifle.]
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Yeah, the animations that exist now aren't too far off from a crossbow... but what I need is a way to make sure the player hand follows correctly. Even if the motion is close, it won't all line up and you'll be loading into the scope or something.
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uh if a rifle were to be put into morrowind i dont think it should have a scope, since its not like you can "zoom" to make it anymore then decoration, also it wouldent have to follow real world rifle designs i mean this is morrowind were talking about not rainbow six, or counter strike. i mean really if you make it dwemer in origin (wich it kind of has to be to fit into morrowind, as the dwemer were all technological and such) no one has to understand how or why it works just as long as it kills things.
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Ok, the scope thing was just an example. And I don't mean explaining it in story terms. Sure, it might kill stuff, but if it looks really bad, its not going to be a good mod. The problem is, a rifle and a crossbow are not exactly the same size/shape/alignment. If I just used the existing animations, the hands wouldn't move correctly. It might be close, but it still won't line up right. You might have the hand placing the bolt to the side of the gun, or arms moving through the model.





Bolt goes here





Rifle, intended:


Bullet goes here





Rifle, with crossbow animations:


Bullet goes here, through and underneath the gun





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Well, I've said this before... but I'd like to see something like that, an rifle mod that actually fits somewhat with the rest of the world. I can do the model and textures, but I have no idea how to translate the new attack animations to the Morrowind engine. If anyone can find an explanation for me, I'd be happy to make the mod.

check Kastha's Assassins Armory 6.0 it has a dwemer rifle that actually shoot realisticly!

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