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Ok so my char isnt a fancy one.Just a guy with an armored coat and some mods for swords and pose and atacks :D.

I dont use magic too much just for healing and light (LoL).

What I wanted to say is that I completed the Fighter Guild missions and I became the leader of the Fighter Guild.What should I do now?

BTW the main quest was cut :D I took the mod Im tired of all those oblivion gates and the red sky :(

I just want to know if there are quests compatible (if I can say like this) with my character ;)


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Get a map marker mod and then hit every bandit/marauder cave and fort there. Kill some bad guys! :D


I also like the little extra quests that are all around like Cropsford, When the Vow Breaks, and Mazoga/ Black Bows quests.

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