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Two weeks!? :wallbash: :teehee: :facepalm: :rolleyes: :woot: :wallbash: To find a job?


What world do you live in? The average around here is 6 months to a year. Some of us have been out of work for literally, years! And I know the my friends (and I) are looking! I do temp work and work odd jobs for my (rich lol) friends to get by!


Forget the "world economy" I say we levy horrible tariffs on foreign goods coming in to the country. It would keep business here from leaving and penalize the ones that already left!

Not the world I live in, its the world we live in.


That's how the system works for unemployment benefits, you don't get a very long time.

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Two weeks!? :wallbash: :teehee: :facepalm: :rolleyes: :woot: :wallbash: To find a job?


What world do you live in? The average around here is 6 months to a year. Some of us have been out of work for literally, years! And I know the my friends (and I) are looking! I do temp work and work odd jobs for my (rich lol) friends to get by!


Forget the "world economy" I say we levy horrible tariffs on foreign goods coming in to the country. It would keep business here from leaving and penalize the ones that already left!

Not the world I live in, its the world we live in.


That's how the system works for unemployment benefits, you don't get a very long time.


What country? In the states, state unemployment benefits last 26 weeks. Then with federal extensions, you can collect for pushing two more years.


Even when the economy was good, finding a job within two weeks would be an absolutely amazing feat. Here where I live, there aren't any jobs. The REAL unemployment rate is over 20%. Fully a quarter of the population of the county is on some type of government assistance. Anyone expecting someone to find a job within two weeks is incredibly unrealistic. Two months would be a good trick, a year might be enough time. The economy just sucks.

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Two weeks!? :wallbash: :teehee: :facepalm: :rolleyes: :woot: :wallbash: To find a job?


What world do you live in? The average around here is 6 months to a year. Some of us have been out of work for literally, years! And I know the my friends (and I) are looking! I do temp work and work odd jobs for my (rich lol) friends to get by!


Forget the "world economy" I say we levy horrible tariffs on foreign goods coming in to the country. It would keep business here from leaving and penalize the ones that already left!

Not the world I live in, its the world we live in.


That's how the system works for unemployment benefits, you don't get a very long time.


What country? In the states, state unemployment benefits last 26 weeks. Then with federal extensions, you can collect for pushing two more years.


Even when the economy was good, finding a job within two weeks would be an absolutely amazing feat. Here where I live, there aren't any jobs. The REAL unemployment rate is over 20%. Fully a quarter of the population of the county is on some type of government assistance. Anyone expecting someone to find a job within two weeks is incredibly unrealistic. Two months would be a good trick, a year might be enough time. The economy just sucks.

Didn't literally mean two weeks.


I would have to say the real rate is over twenty percent. Take into consideration teenagers and people in college. Also look at homeless people and people who abuse the welfare system. Look at illegal immigrants who may or may not have a job, but are still living in the country.


Seems to me the real rate would be over twenty percent, not sure if there are any real numbers on all of this.

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There's also a lot of people like me who A: have a spouse with a good job

And people who are doing more of what I'm doing for loan money and pocket change: Doing odd jobs for people OR cleaning houses.


The job market is just depressing. And it doesn't help that there are people out there trying to scam job searchers into sharing their credit info/SS#.


>:( And those are the people, I hope burn in H3LL!


Sorry for doubting your sanity/IQ there. I thought you meant it took two weeks to find a job! LOL


Seriously though, can anyone see anything bad/wrong about breaking those stupid trade agreements? I can't. As for the jobless Illegal Immigrants... sorry. Can't bring myself to care. They should just go home.


... Folks we might finally solve that problem! If there are no jobs for the illegals LOL... sorry, just thought of that one. heehee

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Seriously though, can anyone see anything bad/wrong about breaking those stupid trade agreements? I can't. As for the jobless Illegal Immigrants... sorry. Can't bring myself to care. They should just go home.

I don't care much either, but they do live in the country and should be considered as part of the unemployment rate.

Edited by marharth
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