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FPS drop only in certain areas


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Hi all,

I find my FPS is dropping rather low in certain forested areas. In towns I can sport 16-20 fps with multiple guards attacking me and townspeople watching/running. In a calm atmosphere I can sport 24-30 fps in town.

Even without enemies in many forested areas I am stuck at 12-14 fps. During fights it can drop as low at 10fps.


I don't have natural environments installed or anything like that. I have open cities classic and animated lighting windows however but I can get in the mid 20sFPS on my Akatosh mount flying over a town with ALW kicking in.


Pretty confused why the rather "mod-less" forest would be killing the FPS like that. Canopy shadows are on, grass shadows are off, grass distance is middle, view distance is maxed, HDR lighting is on. All other settings are in the middle.



Intel T7300 Dual Core 2.0ghz

3gb DDR2 ram

Nvidia Gefore 6800 256mb

64 bit Windows 7

There is 2gb ram free pre-load


EDIT: I also have 1 more question... I am running it at 720p on my TV that is displaying Windows at 1080p. Would it run smoother if I played windowed?

Edited by MarkC9
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The problem with Open Cities is that all cities are now in the Tamriel world, not their own world space, and so have an effect on overall performance when the player is 'outside'. One of the trade offs for the cities being open, I'm afraid.
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