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Quotation marks in Console


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Hello everyone,


I've got a slight problem with the Console in Oblivion.

I'm using LTD's vampire overhaul, in which the vampire who you get the disease from is supposed to turn into your 'Sire', giving you quests and such. The vampire who turned me into one however seemingly disappeared. There is a console command to turn another vampire into your sire, but the problem is you nééd to put that vampire's ID into quotation marks.


I can get them to work just fine outside the game ("as you can see"), but when I use them in the console they turn into : . In the console, I've literally tried every single button on my keyboard, but none of them puts in quotation marks.

Apparently I'm using a american style keyboard, with the " right next to the Enter button.


Maybe Oblivion thinks of my keyboard as one of a different zone, since some other buttons seem to have different characters in the console as well? Though that doesn't explain why the " isn't on any button at all.

I've searched around the forums for a while, but couldn't find any answer to this problem, so that's why I made a new topic.


Thanks in advance!


Cheers, ManimeminaM

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok im not sure you can even use " in oblivion console cm. but if you can try using the caps off and on switch for the console "shift" <--- tht turns the caps on and off in console . I hope this was able to help you =) My best wish's.
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Hello everyone,


I've got a slight problem with the Console in Oblivion.

I'm using LTD's vampire overhaul, in which the vampire who you get the disease from is supposed to turn into your 'Sire', giving you quests and such. The vampire who turned me into one however seemingly disappeared. There is a console command to turn another vampire into your sire, but the problem is you nééd to put that vampire's ID into quotation marks.


I can get them to work just fine outside the game ("as you can see"), but when I use them in the console they turn into : . In the console, I've literally tried every single button on my keyboard, but none of them puts in quotation marks.

Apparently I'm using a american style keyboard, with the " right next to the Enter button.


Maybe Oblivion thinks of my keyboard as one of a different zone, since some other buttons seem to have different characters in the console as well? Though that doesn't explain why the " isn't on any button at all.

I've searched around the forums for a while, but couldn't find any answer to this problem, so that's why I made a new topic.


Thanks in advance!


Cheers, ManimeminaM


The quotation mark is not where it should be (SHIFT+2) on my keyboard (UK) in-game, either. I have to press [sHIFT]+@ to get a quotation mark in the console. Try it, and if it doesn't work, try [sHIFT] with other combinations.

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