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Do I believe in all of these stories people tell about supposedly encountering or being "abducted" by aliens? Nope, I find those tales a little too tall. (though, truthfully, if they do have the ability to travel the galaxies when we've barely reached the moon, then obviously they're waaaaay more intelligent than we are...)


Do I believe that there are sentient beings out there who are fascinated by us and are trying to contact us in some way? No, I'm extremely reluctant to believe that as well.


Do I believe that someplace in the universe, far beyond the atmosphere of our Earth, there is intelligent life? Most definitely. Without a doubt, there must be some highly developed life forms out there somewhere. I mean, come on, the Universe is... huge. Actually, huge doesn't even describe it. The size of the Universe is something that we could never get our minds wrapped around. Even if the "Rare Earth" theory is true and life is a extraordinarily rare phenomenon in the universe, we can't be alone.


Do I think they might resemble us physically? Not in the least. That is virtually impossible. Their physical bodies would have evolved to adapt to the environment in which they originated. Unless they originate from a planet identical to Earth, there isn't the slightest chance they'd look like humans. Really, there's no way we can possibly imagine what they would look like. For all we know, they could look like... well, anything (they are "aliens", after all). Just look at the diversity of life here on our own Earth. It think right now it is something that is entirely beyond our comprehension (which is why I find all these sci-fi movies and TV shows with ridiculously humanlike aliens so jarring).


As for whether their culture, society, or their ways of thinking would be anything like ours, I am extremely doubtful as well. Again, just look at the diversity of cultures and ideas here on Earth. I think their ways, like their appearances, would well qualify as "alien". But, who knows? Hopefully we will know someday... I would certainly love to. :)

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I don't know why people have to look at the entire universe for this argument.


There is probably other life in our galaxy, let alone the universe.


True. There's probably plenty of life sustaining planets out there in the Milky Way, even though we cannot see them from Earth with our current technology. :)


(poster above, the "question" i was asking was what people's points of view are on the whole "Could there be life in outer space?" debate.)

Edited by Lehcar
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If they were more intelligent than us, they'd probably slapped an ignore sticker on us and move on.



Micho Kaku believes in a intelligence scale. His ratings are 0-3 I think. He would put the human race at zero.


In the long run, we are really not that advanced at all. We still can't even reach a nearby planet, we still rely on fuels that exist on our world, and the human race can't even agree on the simplest of issues.

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If they were more intelligent than us, they'd probably slapped an ignore sticker on us and move on.



Micho Kaku believes in a intelligence scale. His ratings are 0-3 I think. He would put the human race at zero.


In the long run, we are really not that advanced at all. We still can't even reach a nearby planet, we still rely on fuels that exist on our world, and the human race can't even agree on the simplest of issues.


I'm certain that they exist somewhere, but I'm not very optimistic about them.

If aliens were advanced enough to be able to observe us, there is no reason that they would want to any more than I would want to stop and observe ants in an ant-hill. Similarly, we should just hope that we're not in their way, so they don't step on us. Lastly, they will be no more likely to want to teach us their technology any more than you or I would be inclined to try to teach an ant addition and subtraction.

On the bright side, any life form that has managed to not destroy itself by the time it's developed a means of interstellar space travel, they'd likely be peaceful.

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On the bright side, any life form that has managed to not destroy itself by the time it's developed a means of interstellar space travel, they'd likely be peaceful.

I have made this argument before, no one seems to agree with me on it.





Resistance is futile......BEEP!

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