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Important Blender nif question


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I have been looking for the reason why my Blender nif scripts wont work, I found a forum that said the blender nif scripts wont work for a blender version higher than 4.9.

Is this true, because I have blender 5.8.

The reason my scripts wont work is because their not even installed, every time I try to install it says it can't find the directory blender should be in, I was wondering which directory it's looking in.

And yes, I am only using 32 bit versions of all the required software, and I'm running as administrator.

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Yes nif scripts only work with blender 2.4.9, LHammonds has put a package together of all the compatible nifscript/blender ect versions needed into one one package here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12248
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I downloaded the Nexus files and they worked, but I was hoping for a way to use blender 5.8 with my nif files. I did find that if I installed 4.9 and 5.8 in different dirrectories they both work. I was able to do my mesh editing, materials, and shading in 5.8, and then importing and exporting in 4.9 (since both use. blend files, duh), but I had to redo all animation in 4.9 since the .blend files wouldn't carry the animation to 4.9. A small tip I guess for those you (like me) who find the blender 2.5.8 UI easier to work with.
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