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Odd Image Glitch in Inventory Screen


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This was a bizzare error that occured only recently, and it may or may not have been something I did to myself.


A few days ago I adjusted the Morrowind .ini to allow me to take Screencaptures (the old trick of changing the 0 into a 1 to enable). I don't believe anything went wrong then but then again maybe I just didn't notice at the time. Now today I loaded up my game as usual and suddenly the self-image of my character that appears in the Inventory Window literally is gone (I see the armor rating beneath where he SHOULD be but not the character).


No error messages occured and I even reinstalled both Morrowind and my Bloodmoon expansion in case it was an error but it hasn't fixed it. I'm considering calling Bethsada Technical support just in case if nobody here has a solution to this.


All help is appreciated for this minor nuscense.

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its your drivers, get newer, or older ones, i have come across this problem too, but since i use a SiS315e video card which melted because playing C&C Renegade was too harsh on it.

i ended up relying on my friends new laptop which can run it smoothly...the idiot wont take off the anti aliasing, BUT, hopefully reinstalling the drivers will help, if all fails, then do yourself a favor, re-install morrowind...or even defragment your computer, it will run faster...

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Hmmm...yeah, a video card problem would explain things - and as if to annoy me further the local map also went down on me too. Now I just have a black screen for that but ironically that was an error I experienced before.


*sighs* Well at least I now know what's wrong though I'm not sure about how to remedy my apparent vid-card problem.

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Hmmm...yeah, a video card problem would explain things - and as if to annoy me further the local map also went down on me too. Now I just have a black screen for that but ironically that was an error I experienced before.


*sighs* Well at least I now know what's wrong though I'm not sure about how to remedy my apparent vid-card problem.

find out what is, ask the makers of the video card, or buy a new one, i did, and i still cant play morrowind because it skips too many times.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Instead of your character what do you see just nothing or Fuzzy lines or what and what about your map is, that ok or is there a problem with that too?


I had a problem like that but instead of my character and map I could see Fuzzy lines.





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