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Your windows experience index

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Stupid windows won't go above 7,9 my 350$ GPU is getting the same score as them 1000$ 590's and whatnot (and that 580 up there)


Windows Experience index has always been a bias and inaccurate way to calculate performance. Your 2500k gets the same score as my 860, which is like second slowest i7 produced. The 920 being the lowest end.

Edited by N3C14R
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Heh, seems like everyone gets the 5.9...cursed HDDs :P


Erk, really gotta clean out my C: drive...barely anything left :P




weird how it says DX10 when the card is DX11...stupid Windows....

Edited by Illiad86
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One thing i love about the Phenom 6x is its amazing power saving feature, it declocks on the fly and you can overclock on the fly as well. It declacks around 800mhz when on standby mode when in idle, once something starts using cpu it jumps back up to 3.30ghz on the fly.


gpu z was i thought was reading the stats wrong but its correct.




See what i mean :thumbsup:


So the experience index could be reading the lower clocks, hmm i wonder if it jumps during the test, i mean it doesn't use that much cpu really.

Edited by Thor.
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Hmm maybe have you tried doing it offline to test your theory, its a good chance it reads your hardware. Edited by Thor.
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Oh btw, it seems that ALL hdd's get 5.9, as i am using a WD Velociraptor @ 10,000RPM.



EDIT: Also, my GPU is DX11, not 10. Stupid windows.

Nice setup almost identical to mine except the 2 extra sticks of ram :thumbsup: except hs]d space and resolution.




I did a benchmark and encoded a 1080P video, games walkthrough type about 30m in duration. Took 20m to complete.:thumbsup: audio 4100 320kbps.High bitrate 4000

Edited by Thor.
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