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Body and Face Mods/Textures frustration


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Hi all,


Hopefully someone can help me here. I've been here all day and I'm just getting nowhere.


Really I'm hoping that out there somewhere, someone has managed to fix all of these issues, perhaps into a megamod of sorts.

I'm attempting to perfect the bodies/faces/npcs and textures in my game, and I've found mods which fix pretty much everything. But many are not compatible with eachother.

Here's a list of the mods that I hope to be able to get working all together.



F-Inev HGEC Textures

Roberts Male v5

Better Looking Redguards

Luchaires Body Seam Reducer

bgHighElfSeamReducerFixEV.esp (FEMALE High Elf Fix for Seam Reducer)

Face Colour Unlocker

Seamless Hi-Res Khajiit Textures for HGEC

IFT (Age textures)

Argonian Beautification HGEC

Argonian Beautification ROBERTS




Issues are arising as many of these mods fix issues for a particular race, or gender, and create (or dont apply the same fix) issues with the rest.

If I was to say "I dont care about males, lets just get females looking good" I would be happy, but I'm hoping there is some way to fix this.


I've searched and searched for some kind of perfect male+female all in one bodys + textures + stock clothing replacers, but no joy.


Hair and eyes are no problem, I can make my own esp for that, but body textures are starting to really confuse me.


PS: I'm sure the fix I need is in Wyre Bash, I downloaded it today and started reading, however it's still all greek to me. I tried creating a bashed patch which worked at first and then crashed my game :D

For some reason my games textures improved though, and it was always set on High.



Thanks in advance.


OH: On a side note, is there a mod hidden somewhere that simply covers up neck seams? A rag, or amulet or whatever, for NPC's and PC (Roberts and HGEC :D )

Edited by Axeface
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Thanks for the reply. I thought as much and I've been learning bash for the last day or so.

I've got pretty much everything working now though! The only issue that still remains is that the redguards and new redguard races of Better Looking Redguards arnt using the awesome textures from IFT and F-Inev, trying to sort this out now.


One question, should I build all of my mods into the bashed patch? It's allowing me to merge/import a lot of them. Will you always see better performance and stability if you merge as many as possible, just not sure how large I should make this patch.



On a side note, theres something I'de really like to find out.

During my bashed patch messing around, I noticed a rather huge improvement in texture quality (EVERYTHING), and it has since disappeared. It seems that the game is lowering the quality of textures (I actually think it's just normal maps that it's lowering).

At one point everything in game was very crisp and just looked amazing. I've been messing with the ini and things but cant get it back :/ Textures have always been set on high so I dont know whats going on.

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Use this guide for building your patch. Just remember not to blindly click off every tweak else it will break your game. Things like texture overhauls (IFT etc.) are very installation order (not load order) dependent. You need to be sure that whatever effects you want are installed after effects that can be overridden in conflicts.


Regarding the ini tweaks: that's what you get for 'messing with the ini' without making a backup. Set them back to default in Wrye Bash 'INI Edits' tab.

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Thanks for the guide, it helped a lot. About the ini edit, I meant that I cant get the better looking textures back, not that I had broken it or something.


Since I posted this topic I have spent hours almost every night trying to get everything working and things still arnt right.

If I fix race a, race b breaks. I just dont understand the esp edits in the mods (I loaded one of them up and the race in question still pointed to the stock textures... yet the included textures were named differently... I was left scratching my head because the esp worked... nif? ) , and how they relate to everything else.


I got all excited with the new vanilla race overhaul mod. But it also added eyes which arnt for me, and seems to have ignored the whole green redguard issue (*growls at beth*) and neck seams.

Is seamless and good looking textures for all races so much to ask! lol


I will continue to search for a complete race overhaul mod that I like until skyrim arrives ^^


(If I see a neck seam in Skyrim, I might have a stroke... to be honest)

Edited by Axeface
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