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Oblivion Crashes when I'm near Weynon Priory


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I can't fast travel to Weynon Priory or any other place near there. The nearest place I'm able to fast travel to is Fort Ash.


If I attempt to walk to WP the game crashes and freezes my computer.


Autosave is disabled and the Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0 is running.


The quest I'm trying to finish is near the beginning of the game when you return Brother Martin to WP


What do?


P.S I'm pretty noob so go easy on me :'3

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I most often see this problem - crash when getting near a specific place - when a mod has been removed that placed something at that location. The game expects the object to be there and when it doesn't find it - it crashes.


Sometimes just waiting a few game days (3 or more) without going near that location will fix it. Or you may have to find what that mod was and replace it - or go back to a save before you installed or removed that mod.


To test - load a very early save, preferably one without any mods and try going there. Then jump forward in saves until you find where in time the problem starts. This can help identify which mod is causing it and whether reinstalling it is a viable option or not.


OBMM has a function that can tell you what mods were installed and which were active for any save when you had OBMM installed. Maybe that could help (assuming you had OBMM at the time)

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Jesus: There is no practical limit to saves in Oblivion. I have seen over 3000 on one game alone. So why have just one save?


For any neophytes reading this. BEFORE adding any mods, make a save permanent (never overwrite this one) in the dungeon. then again play through the tutorial without mods the first time (you can go back and do it over with mods if you want) Make another unmodified permanent save at the point just before you exit the sewers. This is an emergency fall back for troubleshooting problems. Reasons: you cannot fast travel from the dungeon, there is a huge jump in graphics when you exit the sewer


I typically make a new save whenever I start a new cave, fort, ruin or quest. then make a second new save as soon as I enter and then overwrite that second one with incremental saves until that part of the game is complete. This is not cheating. The game will crash occasionally and I can pick it up from the last save point, or go further back to troubleshoot.

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  • 3 years later...
Hello - I was experiencing the exact problem described (crashing when fast traveling to or walking anywhere near weynon priory when escorting Brother Martin) and was able to resolve the problem. It turned out that changing bFixFaceNormals from '1' back to '0' in the oblivion.ini file resolved the crash for me. I had changed this setting to '1' when I was messing around trying to improve the game's facial shadowing. Anyway give it a try!
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  • 1 year later...

Hello - I was experiencing the exact problem described (crashing when fast traveling to or walking anywhere near weynon priory when escorting Brother Martin) and was able to resolve the problem. It turned out that changing bFixFaceNormals from '1' back to '0' in the oblivion.ini file resolved the crash for me. I had changed this setting to '1' when I was messing around trying to improve the game's facial shadowing. Anyway give it a try!

This is seriously the worst advice ever. So you went and screwed with the .ini which caused your problem. OP did not.

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