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Oblivion - Packages error


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Well, I don't know if somebody else has this problem. I click in Characters -> Packages, and it works, but when I click in the Packages window, it shuts down with the typical "...has stopped working". I use Windows Vista, I ran the program as administrator, and I also tried in the two versions of the Construction Set, the V1.0 and the V1.2 (the newest) but the packages window doesn't work.


Also, I noticed that the NPCs (At least the ones I create) don't have default packages in their IA list, as I think they should.


Can somebody help?

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Add the construction set executable to your DEP exclusion list.


Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings / Advanced tab -> Settings -> Data Execution Prevention tab -> Add.


New NPCs do not have AI packages by default. That is your job as a modder.

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Thank you for the help, I just I disabled the DEP*, but the TES Construction Set keeps crashing each time y click on a row of the Package window. It also crashes when I click on a row on the NPC IA.


Does anybody know what happens?




*I was unable to use the DEP by the way you said. I had to disable it using a comand in the cmd, and I think it's now totally disabled, but TES Construction Set keeps crashing.

Edited by Hadok
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Does this happen without any active mods, ie. only check off oblivion.esm when you load the CS?
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Before you reinstall, try deleting your ConstructionSet.ini from \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ and restart the CS with just Oblivion.esm again.
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Then the only other thing I can think of is to ensure that Oblivion (and hence the CS) is not installed in the Windows' protected 'Program Files' folder structure. I have mine installed in C:\Games\Oblivion\ .
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Well, I uninstalled Oblivion and I reinstalled a clean one in another directory, without mods, but it crahses again... I use the V1.2 of the game and of the Construction set, maybe it has something to do.


Thanks you for your hep anyways.

Edited by Hadok
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