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Missing Message popup

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Okay, firstly, thanks to anyone who reads/replies to this.

Secondly, down to business.

I've been replaying Oblivion recently to get ready for Skyrim and I decided to mod the game this time. So I put on a bunch of mods and a few enhancement ones too. I had no problems with many of the first mods i put on, but one (or more) of the recent ones has removed the top-left (I think) message that pops up to tell you some things, such as the Bounty or similar (can't remember >.<)

I think it might be Darnified UI, but im not certain. I restored the quest message, cus i thought that was it, but it wasnt.

Any help appreciated. Thanks

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DarN UI gives you the option to suppress certain messages, like 'You cannot equip that...' etc. You have obviously chosen that option.
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