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A spellcrafting/enchanting mod with unlimited possibilities?


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I'm not sure if one of these exist. I've looked around, but I can't any that are good enough.


Basically, the spell making/enchanting systems are kind of limited. Yes, I'm talking about the costs and such, but I'm also talking about how you use the spells even more. Example: any spell with a atrget of "Self" never have the option of an area. This makes it hard to, say, make a spell where you pretty much explode everything in your radius. Or how about being forced to have only ONE constant effect, that's not even that good? That annoys me the most.


So basically, here are the basics of what I'm looking for:


-Everything unlocked for everything. Healing for daggers, Give people detect life, ect.

-Area, Magnitude and Duriation for all Spells, enchantments and targets

-"Self", "Target" and "Touch" for all spells. What if I want to unlock my horse? HUH?

-Multiple constant effects, with the ability to modify them.

-Ability to enchant Arrows.

-Constant effects on weapons

-Increases to the maximum Duriation, Magnitude and area. What if I want a spell that does 3 damage for 2 minutes?

-Self-hindering spells/enchantments to take away from the cost. (Like fire damage to self would cost -10 magika or something.(Wouldn't apply to area.))

-Still balanced somewhat so it doesn't break the game EASILY.

-(Just for fun) the ability to use all spells right off the bat.


So yeah, basically just a do everything you can afford spellmaking/enchanting mod.


Thank you in advanced.

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-Ability to enchant Arrows.

-Increases to the maximum Duriation, Magnitude and area. What if I want a spell that does 3 damage for 2 minutes?

-Still balanced somewhat so it doesn't break the game EASILY.

-(Just for fun) the ability to use all spells right off the bat.

These have already been done but they are scattered about in various mods. Some of the other things you're asking for aren't possible, though. They're hardcoded into the engine and no mod can fix that.

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