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I need help from a scripter for a Mod I am working on.


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Okay I have a few ideas for my mod that would require a scripter (And I DO NOT posses the skills to script)


The MAIN one I'm thinking about right now is kinda simple because the main idea of the scripts already exist in game...


Basically a Captive (like the Super Mutant's have sometimes) Who you cannot free until you have killed all of the enemies (I already have a script that count's the enemy's death as part of the quest) and after you free the captive they thank you and then offer you medical service's free of charge (Healer, & Drug Fixer) and become a permanent NPC in the Hospital that will always be free.


Anyone wanna help me out?

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If I understand correctly there's not a lot of scripting needed.

Give the captive a dialogue topic -> "Free Captive".

Add a new condition to check if the number of dead enemies >= to the number of enemies you have. You said you already have a script to count this. Assuming this is a quest script the condition you want is GetQuestVariable Questname deadenemiesvariable


Add a new AI package to the captive that makes him/her patrol the hospital cell. Make sure this is the top AI package in the NPC's list. Make sure this AI package has the same condition as the topic I mentioned earlier.


You can then add another topic -> "Heal me" and under the results script box you want to give the command line. Unfortunatly I can't remember the code but if you check the vanilla doctors (or the autoi-doc) script you'll find it.

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